Energiroade uteslutande om bl.a. Marskraften

Mars in Aries Square Saturn in Capricorn, with Jupiter and Pluto. This hasn’t happened in over 2000+ years with Mars slowing down to Retrograde in the first weeks of September, to bring this pair of squares in direct motion, and retrograde motion. It can feel cloudy and dim as you keep having to push forward with no other option but to do what seems like you can’t. It doesn’t help during this first square that is going to last longer than normal, since both Saturn and Mars are at extremely slow speed, while Jupiter retrograde is coming to its station at the worst place Jupiter could ever be. Keep your sight and courage up by remembering you are an exalted being. You can make it through anything.

Sometimes when we get smacked with a no from the universe, we have to kick back and smile, and remember that divine timing is everything. Restructuring our motives can feel like something worse, but if anything, it is the ultimate flank. Be ready. Next 24 hours your life will be flanked. Don’t think of it as a retreat, that is when you have forgotten that those who make it the farthest in life never give up, and know how to pivot hard new roads. What no longer serves your personal wants, desires and plans of what seems is destiny, is being flanked in a new direction, but do you have the courage to actually make your life more aligned with your ultimate truth?
David Palmer

Mars is coming closer to its peak proximity to earth in 17 years (exact in October), and the fires started now… fires esoterically are activated by the unsubliminated rage and anger of the people. There will be a lot of fires and raging nature this year… there needs to be a release of this pent up energy somehow, or we might kill each other. Maybe this is nature’s way to transmute and release some of this built up anger, so we don’t do something extreme.
But it is getting hotter and hotter in all senses of the word in the coming weeks.

When Mars goes retrograde every 2 years there is an increased chance of BIG fires but only twice in 17 years Mars is closest to earth, so the likelihood of very very large increases! Guess when was the last time Mars was also very close to earth: 2018- the huge fires in use. And now again…’

The last time Mars was in the exactly same cycle as now was 1941…. Pearl Harbor, the Invasion of Russia, the toughest year of the 2nd world war. Now, I am not saying a war will happen in the same way, but people are pissed… you can see it.

But don’t forget Saturn is so strong too now, blocking Mars. So very severe measures will be taken to suppress or control the anger and riots, or fires. Fear will be used to block action. Or in the case of fires: earth.

But there is a good side to it all: the internal fires we are feeling thanks to Mars, are giving us an extra motivation to kick ass in our lives, to tackle problems, to go after difficult projects. While Saturn can help us persevere despite the obstacles and lead things to a concrete end/manifestation.

On a personal level, we have more change to use this energy in a constructive way and make something good of it, but on a collective level the general average vibration is way lower and it can be very destructive….

Skarmavbild    kl

Om Lena Holfve 18237 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.