Uppdat; Oroliga läsare har mejlat ang revolutionen som pågår



trumpEn undrade om ryktet stämmer att elen ska sticka liksom Internet, och en annan jublade över att FED ska nationaliseras.

Jag har noterat att Trump är en hjälte, och många tror att han ska rädda hela världen, och det visar bara mig att ”den starke ledaren” har gått hem hos många – dock ej hos hans fru.

Trump har i något TV-inslag vi såg själv meddelat att hon hatar honom. Oddsen att en som inte ens kan ta  hand om sina nära relationer ska kunna rädda världen känns rätt långsökt.

Jag gillar rutinmässigt inte militärkupper heller, och ett bekymmer avseende de svenska debattörerna är väl att de känner inte ens till att den pågår för fullt i USA. Vad jag vet tiger svensk press om alla tanks på gatorna.

De som tror det har inte studerat fascistbyggen, eller ens studerat hur ”den starke ledaren” byggs upp, och Trump må vara president i USA men jag tror ingalunda att han bestämmer – det gör den osynlige handen eller händerna. Kristna anser att det är Gud själv som styr allt nu, och att vi är inne i Den yttersta tiden. Energifolket anser att det är Universum som styr, och det är väl ungefär samma sak det.

Energifolket väntar att peaken kommer den 30 mars
Jag har kollat in vad energifolket säger, min erfarenhet är den att de vet bäst, och de har en helhetsbild som ingen annan har.

Nedan är en text ifrån en av dem som meddelade för mer än ett år sedan att en helt ny värld var på gång, och de har varskott för länge sedan att hela klotet skulle bada i rädsla från den 12 januari 2020 men det lugnar sig snart, och vi är inom kort en bra bit in i det paradigmskifte som absolut pågår.

Se text under videon:


The Aries New Moon has been delivering just as promised.

For those of you who missed my last video on the Aries New Moon and Saturn in Aquarius, you can WATCH IT HERE.

I will be honest with you,

the Astrology is just lit up for the entire year, and every time I stop to study the charts I feel like the rabbit hole is just endless.

I can stare for hours, study for days… and some times I do.

But the more I look the more the message is clear:

We are in transition phase.

I’ve been talking about 2020 as being the Year Of Transition since 2019!
Well, here it is.

I hosted a live webinar on December called: The Astrology of 2020! Collapse or Restructuring …

On February I made this video talking about March as being the ’bridge’ to a new cycle….

I’ve been saying it in many words and in many ways.

Now it’s here.

And it’s all happening so fast.

And now that we have crossed the ’March bridge’ we see that our world will never return to the way that it used to be…

On March 30th, Mars enters Aquarius and triggers Saturn who is waiting to activate Uranus, setting off a big energy shift for the world!

Things will get loud this next week, and some of the external chaos may rise.

While the old matrix begins to shut down, know that we have full support. We are collectively in the biggest transition phase of our lives, and this is just the beginning.

As the old structures begin to shake now, stronger than ever, there is simultaneously a lifting of the veils, such as we have never seen.

Many are immersed in serious experiences and activations, as new Codes of Freedom begin to awaken in our DNA.

This is our gift to ourselves.

Also, many of you have been reaching out to me, sharing your recent magical experiences! Just incredible.
My personal exchange of love with the planet Venus turning into an orb, after touching a piece of the Moon at that Museum, sparked a frenzy of emails from many of you in response and resonance to it.


Yes my dearests, this is really happening.

Watch disclosure unfold more and more before our very eyes.

I’ve been talking about disclosure being here since September 2019, remember?

Much will begin to change in our realities from now on, so let’s surrender in ease and grace to the new reality that we’ve been calling on.


iMCanva    This image shows the aftermath of the accretion of a star by a supermassive black hole

Alongside the deaths and physical losses, new souls are coming in, as we are blessed with many new expecting mothers!

Thank you mommies for sharing the news with me ❤️ My heart is thrilled.

Others are writing in and sharing how in the midst of all this chaos you are being activated by true twin flame partnerships, and have even been asking me for soul union confirmations! How inspiring.

This has gotten me to thinking of opening a new TWIN FLAME READING option for you, coming soon! 😉

It touches my heart to know there is such deep love being experienced alongside so much fear. What a gift.

This weekend the energies shift BIG, as Mars enters Aquarius and introduces a dynamic take-off for our transition script.

I talk about this in my latest video:

OLD MATRIX DISMANTLES l Energy Shift & Big Week Ahead.

This is a raw and real talk from me to you about the reality of where we are at and what we are facing globally.

In this video I also explain why I am choosing to unplug from the internet and focus on my own transition process during this coming month.

We are all being asked to release a lot, and it may feel like deaths to different parts of who we are.

Let it go, for it is only in opening your arms to release, that you can equally open them up to receive!

We are recreating ourselves.

So, be gentle with yourselves and celebrate this time that you finally have. Do all the things you wanted to do before at home but never had time to.

With Mars entering Aquarius now, this next week will be very very volatile.

Be prepared for grids to start shutting down as the old matrix continues dismantling.

This is all the more reason for you and I to UNPLUG and GO WITHIN.

With everything so volatile this week I am choosing to take some time off to enjoy and celebrate my life, while I step away from the internet and social media for about a month and prepare for my own new cycle! 🙂

I am currently planning on announcing new openings for readings by the end of April, along with some other wonderful news…
So, stay tuned!

For now, know that the contrast is greater than ever, so again, consider taking some time off from the matrix that is already collapsing, and focus on all the things that put you in your heart!

The Sun is your best friend right now!!
Sun gaze every day! -With intention.

Thank you for understanding that I will only be responding to important work-related emails, still, I love and welcome all of your messages. 🙂

In the meantime, understand more about this coming week, the big shifts ahead, and why I am taking some time off, on the video below:

OLD MATRIX DISMANTLES l Energy Shift & Big Week Ahead

Signing off in restful and blissful love, while together we surrender in the eye of the hurricane…

I’ll be in touch soon!

❤️ -Raquel Spring.



Om Lena Holfve 18233 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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