Energiroade: Tom + en kollega läser veckans energier

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Först Tom, och sen en kollega till honom under.

There is no better teacher,
Than Mother Nature herself,
Who’s telling us it’s time to learn,
That health is our greatest wealth.

There’s no doubt we’re on a steep learning curve here! And the bigger/deeper the lessons the longer they may take to learn. With Mars moving through the discovery/inventive sign of Aquarius right now I’m sure we will be coming up with some solutions and cooperating more fully (with the nice trine to Venus for the rest of the month). However, the recent square to Uranus has manifested in some impatience to get the economy rolling again by lifting social isolation – not a good idea, premature. We do need to ”stew in our juices” a bit longer I believe, to really ”get” the full picture of what this is all about.

That Mars/Venus trine reflects some great opportunities in the midst of this crisis, to find new ways to work together, heal together, and change social structures to better meet the needs of the future. Really shows us coming together globally using technology, but let’s hope that’s not the only way!



The Nature of Evil and the Future of Humanity
Evil is a Cosmic force which works for God/Highest Power. As such humans cannot destroy it, only God can decide when its job has been done and eliminate it. What wise humans can do is use the conditions and the destruction evil brings for doing good, creation, growth, constructive deeds.

This is from a lecture of a High initiate.
If we look at Evil this way, then the fear or anger that we currently might be feeling about evil plans for humanity (as many theories are out there currently) can be transformed into a determination to make the best of upcoming world changes and new order, and instead of resisting it, we can decide to use its destruction in noble and constructive ways, rather than become angry or subservient to it.
I have been thinking what the astrological signs might mean.
The powerful Capricorn conjunctions of 2020, clearly indicate that all that is happening is about control and change of world order (Capricorn) and it is carefully planned (Capricorn). It indicates tightening of the restrictions and regulations over humans for many years ahead, but we have another Huge cosmic event coming up: Saturn conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius!

It has two possible scenarios, one which will serve the plans of evil and one which will serve the Higher Good plan.
The first one is, the coming of a technocracy, the new ruling elite (since the Saturn Jupiter conjunctions are about the change of ruling powers). The new rulers with more and more power will be scientists, technology, AI and such, you can see this happening already with the like of….fill in the dots.

Specialists and scientists who present scientific theories and information to politicians and rulers and tell them they have to do this or that, as self evident.

This can be great, if these Aquarius represented new elites are humane, heart centered and on top of that use the power of science and technology to uplift humanity. I am sure such exist, but a majority of the ones we see now, how very little consideration for human life, looking on us like something to experiment on.
Aquarius’ dark side is mind over matter but without the involvement of the heart. Everything is excused as long as it serves an idealogical concept.
You can imagine the monstrosities this can create, merging of human DNA with animal, with machines, destructive science. Atlantis all over again…

Aquarius where the Saturn Jupiter conjunction is going to happen, and affect the next 20 years, has two rulers: Saturn and Uranus.
The organizing Saturn side of Aquarius will strive to plug everyone into a big digital, AI society, well regulated, perfectly connected, like a computer. Every part will be accounted for. It can be great if the rulers are virtuous and heart based, but it can also turn a bit into a big brother society, where there is no freedom to move beyond the rules of the system.

But there will be many benefits too: many people will be able to participate into economic and social opportunities like never before, once we have a totally digitally and Technologically connected society. The sense of one big Global family will be born, which is the right direction. But you always have to keep in mind, if the ones on top have the highest good of all in mind or some other agenda.
The other negative side of Saturnian Aqua energy is denial of anything which is not scientifically proven, like God, the mysteries of the soul, etc.
That is where it can get very dark, the mind and science become God…

The other ruler of Aquarius: Uranus, is about outsiders, outliers, alternatives, misfits, rebels, ones who are too willful, different, advanced or independent to be part of the hive mind and the tightly regulated society of the Saturnian Aquarius energy. These people will become super activated for the next 20 years! I am foreseeing that many of them will find ways to leave the system and form communities outside of the social norms. I am not talking hippies.

I am talking educated communities or small groups of people who will use the scientific advancements and new order opportunities but manage to become independent from the big brother. They will find clever ways to use the system but not be part of the system. They will find intelligent ways to keep awakening others and helping the individuality be free and liberated.
Of course there will be the full on rebels and anarchists who will be resisting the order but they will be branded enemies, laughed at, persecuted, excluded, etc.

I can’t say which the correct option is. Everyone has a role to play and a path to experience, so none of these groups should the other, but within years I can see a clear defined split of two streams of people. The Saturn ruled And the Uranus ruled ones.
Those that will be tightly dependent on the system, tightly regulated, and monitored. And those that will cleverly find ways to still participate but not be dependent. And maybe the 3rd group who become total outcasts who don’t want anything to do with the system.

I will keep meditating, thinking and praying for insights into the future and will present them to you in a video one day in 2020….
God bless you and feel your hearts with love!

Om Lena Holfve 18246 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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