Spiritual Emergency

Vi hade en läsare nyligen som skrev om ett konstigt foto och jag har själva varit med om mängder med ”konstiga” händelser. Nu när jag gick tillbaka till läsarens sida är i princip hela texten borta. Jag har inte tagit bort den… och jag ska be läsaren sända in det mejlet med texten igen så ska jag laga sidan.

Man räknar med, eller tycker sig se, att det kommer en spirituell våg i USA nu. Jag själv räknar mig som en spirituell individ sen minst 50 år tillbaks men jag är också medveten om att ämnet drar till sig bondfångare, och jag har utrett en del av dem för nu tio år sen ungefär.

Spiritual Emergency is the name given to a psychological crisis with spiritual overtones. It was coined by the psychologist Stan Grof in the 1970s. Dr Tim Read is a leading psychiatrist and is also trained as a holotropic breathwork practitioner with Stan Grof.

He was Consultant at the Royal London Hospital for over twenty years leading the Liaison Psychiatry service and the Crisis Intervention service. In this discussion with Rebel Wisdom’s David Fuller, they talk about the phenomenon of spiritual emergency and how to navigate in altered states.

Dealing with Spiritual Emergency, Dr Tim Read
Under filmen kommer en läsarkommentar.

Läsare skrev:

There is the human Spirits which can be characterized by both man-made spirituality and those things Incorporated within it as a means to manage Human Resources, through manipulation and or influencing if that’s what you prefer and then you have spirituality which is most certainly a man-made concept with the prime directive of managing human resources and all conveniently for maintaining the Monopoly over the world economy and its money supply, these are the two ingredients we require to measure misery around the planet.

It is a monopoly over the world economy and its money supply that we used to derive the misery index. The true root cause of all human-generated misery on the planet, regardless of the origin of the symptom of any psychosocial or social economic challenge all are deeply rooted in the foundational cause of Monopoly over the world economy and is money supply. I would say as it relates to the spirit I focus on the individual human spirit as there is a means to measure the outcome of participation of the human spirit in a challenge from which in turn the product of our human Spirits labour and or true application towards overcoming a challenge.

This idea of spirituality has become a means of escapism from the reality of the Monopoly over everything as well as what is required along with that the removal of the Constitution let alone your Universal Cosmic granted rights, and so what we find is that this spirituality works against individuals and Society at Large. Most religions and many spiritual types of systems or ideologies steer away from championing freedoms, more specifically those freedoms that alleviates misery which are mentioned above. spirituality does not serve as a means to resolving root causes of Psychosocial and social economic problems than it really serves no purpose other than covering up the damages and injuries caused by these monopolistic systems what we then find is that through this Band-Aid approach is that the wound becomes increasingly more infected while leaving behind I never ending pungent bad smell from which both the perfume spirituality and it’s Band-Aid approach simply does nothing to cure the root cause of the illness but rather only serves to conceal it, but in doing so that illness leads to otherwise avoidable and premature death of the body and spirit. play Monopoly over the world economy and money supply as well as diminishing overall freedoms removes more and more of the capacity for Humanity to generate sound mind, self-worth and maturity as well as from there inhibiting the ability to Foster and nurture love, empathy and forgiveness to the extent that it is humanly possible to do so under the most ideal conditions. Those ideal conditions being the return of the ancient free Marketplace and the people’s participation within it based on the foundation of sound money.

Once again we determine the misery index by factoring in diminishing economic freedoms and the absence of sound money. this is of a matter of fact and does not require abstract speculation or a complex approach to understanding nor does it require tinfoil hat Fashions into a hat do understand the true root cause of all human-generated misery within the realm in which we live.

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Om Lena Holfve 18253 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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