If I can sit still and be quiet,
I will hear guidance from on high,
And not be distracted or tempted to stray,
From the path I am on to the light.
I’m feeling that Venus opposite Mars today and sensing that we are still integrating those Scorpio/Taurus relationship eclipses and will be for some time yet. This opposition can bring up some issues that may have been simmering beneath the surface for awhile but need to be discussed .
The challenge is that Mercury is square Neptune! So be very wary of half truths, confusion, and feelings of hopelessness that maybe coming up for you. This is a time to come clean, be honest, and look at some of the dreams or ideals that you had back in late March when Mercury was conjunct Neptune. At that time some seeds were sown and now those ideals/dreams are being tested to see if they are really plausible or not.
As our relationships, and so much of our life experience, is actually the playing out of our own conscious thoughts, I suggest looking in more than trying to control or impose your will on the world these days. Mars is retrograde after all. Stick with the mantra, sit still, and shut up not only your mouth but your mind and let Spirit descend.
I picked an old favorite of my by the Animals for this week’s song that reflects the Mercury square Neptune: ”Please Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood.” I’m just a soul whose intentions are good reflects the Sagittarius striving for truth but not always achieving it’s goal. Such is the human experience.
Jag har gjort ett nedslag hos den enda energiman vi har:
”Lilla Döden” kom som fasciststaten Sverige och ingen brydde sig (allra minst SVT-nyheterna)
Siwert Aldenryd: Lilla döden i Sverige: råttsmitta genom ”människans bästa vän”
Sverige låter selektivt de medborgare dö som inte kan ”masshanteras”
Lilla döden välkommen? Det ekonomiska scenariot
Svaret är förstås jantelagen och att svenskarna inte vill ha några ”genier” över sig. Det liksom förtar tanken om demokrati/folkvälde och dessutom den inte helt sunda självbild som landet odlar om att vara exceptionella och lite bättre än andra. Läs mer
Sveriges ”lilla död” börjar – transiterna den 22 november 2022
Sveriges ”lilla död” 2022-25 en fråga om klimatpolicy?
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