Putins skuggsidor, och pengar

VP föddes fattig, och påstås vara världens rikaste man idag.

Vi har vår syn på mutor och korruption men i många länder får du betala polisen t.ex. för att de ska göra en utredning. Vi tolkar det som mutor, men det systemet är inte riktigt mutor, inte i vår mening.

Exempel: Två bilar krockar, du behöver en polisrapport för att få ut försäkringspengar, kan kosta 300 lira, inget skattebetalarna ska stå för, privatärende.

Frågar jag ryssar som inte gillar Putin säger de att han har fått sina stora penar via mutor men de kan inte riktigt precisera från vem eller vilka. Frågar jag ryssar som gillar honom får jag svaret att det är många myter runt honom, mycket skitsnack, och de hävdar att han är megapoppis, syns på folksamlingen högst upp.

Man kan också tänka sig att samtliga aktörer egentligen jobbar åt krigsindustrin, om den är arkitekt till samtligas -istbyggen.

Vladimir Putin’s salary decreased by more than half in 2018 compared to the year before. His latest financial disclosure indicated that the Russian leader earned 8.6 million rubles (€119,048.40) in 2018 from his official salary, a military pension, interest on savings, and investment gains — a significant cut from 2017 when he earned 18.7 million rubles (€257,307.02).

The Russian financial newspaper rbc.ru said that Putin’s 2017 salary could be explained by the earnings he made out of a plot of land he sold that year. Läs mer

In this 2015 documentary, FRONTLINE traces Vladimir Putin’s ascent from unemployed spy to modern-day czar, and investigates the accusations of criminality and corruption that have surrounded his reign in Russia. (Aired 2015)

In this 2015 film, a coproduction with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, producer Neil Docherty and correspondent Gillian Findlay traced Putin’s career back two decades to his political start in St. Petersburg, where allegations of corruption began almost immediately. Drawing on firsthand accounts from exiled Russian business tycoons, writers and politicians, as well as the exhaustive research of scholar and best-selling “Putin’s Kleptocracy” author Karen Dawisha, the film examined troubling episodes in Putin’s past, from alleged money-laundering activities and ties to organized crime, to a secret personal fortune said to be in the billions.

As U.S. President Joe Biden considers sanctions on the personal wealth of Russian President Vladimir Putin, critical questions emerge: How big is that fortune, and how did Putin, a lifelong public official, accumulate it? Those are mysteries Forbes has grappled with for 20 years. Figuring out Putin’s net worth is probably the most elusive riddle in wealth hunting–harder than the heirs, other heads of state and even drug lords that we’ve financially smoked out over the years.

Uncovering private wealth is something we take very seriously, especially in Russia–the founding editor of Forbes Russia, Paul Klebnikov, risked his life for this cause, and was shot in the streets of Moscow in 2004 as he was investigating the fortunes of Russia’s early oligarchs. So where and how much is the fortune that Biden threatens to sanction over Russia’s aggression in Ukraine? We don’t know. But over the years, leaning on sources and expertise, we’ve developed some theories.

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, governments are taking aim at the superwealthy with close ties to Vladimir Putin, hitting them with sanctions, cutting off their access to offshore wealth, seizing their luxury yachts and villas and generally making it difficult to be a filthy rich person.

But in the Opinion Video above, Jonathan Pie, the fictional broadcast journalist played by the comedian Tom Walker, argues that even while the United States and the European Union have come down hard on Russian oligarchs, Britain has taken a gentler approach. This response, he argues, is the result of a dark symbiotic relationship that the country has developed with ill-gotten Russian money.

For years, Russian wealth has poured into Britain with few questions asked, helping to finance political campaigns and buoying the luxury property market. Russian oligarchs have been so happy to avail themselves of Britain’s laissez-faire regulatory climate to park their wealth and launder dirty money that the nation’s capital has earned the moniker Londongrad.

And that, Pie argues, is why the British government has been reluctant to step up the pressure on the Russian elite. Stronger sanctions, he argues, would risk hurting Britain even more than they would Putin and his cronies.

“And this was Putin’s plan all along,” Pie asserts. “For 20 years, he’s been slowly neutralizing us as a threat — by using our own greed against us.”

Jonathan Pie videos were previously licensed to RT — formerly known as Russia Today — in the U.K. Mr. Walker has never worked for the network and has had no relationship with it since 2016.

He’s arguably one of the most powerful men on the planet. He’s the head of one of the largest nations ever to exist. He’s known for his authoritarian ways of governing, and his alpha male demeanor. He’s been the leader of his country for a total of almost 2 decades, and it looks like he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Oh, and he also happens to be good buddies with none other than Donald Trump. The man in question we were talking about is none other than Vladimir Putin Russia’s president. And while he may claim to only live a modest and frugal life, turns out Vladimir Putin may be hiding away a secret fortune.

A secret fortune that one total, would make him the richest man on the planet. Richer than Jeff Bezos, richer than Elon musk, richer than Bill Gates. Yeah. This is an extreme fortune. And the thing is, there are tons of clues that hint to him actually being this wealthy. Like his extremely expensive watch collection, his lavish suits, and many houses and palaces that he has throughout his homeland of Russia. So what’s going on here? Is Vladimir Putin actually this rich? and if so how has he gotten away with keeping his fortune secret for so long? Well don’t you worry. Today were finding out as we talk about the life of Vladimir Putin, how he rose to power, what he spends his money on, and if he actually is secretly the worlds richest man.

Om Lena Holfve 18265 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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