Uppdat med en vanlig indisk lägenhet: Jag skulle inte ha något emot det boendet alls…

Om detta bygge kostade 30 000 euro i Frankrike så kostar det 3000 euro i Indien att bygga… Jag skulle absolut inte ha något som helst emot att leka sköldpadda i fem, sex år….   Får jag inte VISA i höst här i TRNC kan jag mer än väl tänka mig att åka ner till Indien, och dra igång ett sådant här bygge. Jag får nog ett modernare hus om jag bygger i Indien,  väsentligt billigare och modernare.

Om du frågar vadan denna lust är svaret att jag har min sol i det nionde utlandshuset vilket förklarar den nuvarande bostadsorten och 75 besökta länder fram till nu. Det är det nionde utlandshuset som är helt stängt i Sverige, vi ”ser” inte utlandet, gäller även mig om jag är där uppe i den energin.

Skulle jag göra det kan jag bygga för 500 dollar i månaden dvs vad jag betalar i hyra nu…  tål att tänka på….  jag känner möbelsnickare…

Jag ”äger” en tomt i Indien dessutom dvs. jag får disponera den på livstid. Utlänningar får inte äga mark eller hus i Indien men jag har fått en plätt i gåva, som tack för att jag räddade rumpan på en hel familj som stod på gatan men förvandlades till egna företagare över en natt, och där det står ett bananträd och en kokospalm just nu…

Finns billiga lägenheter också…

I truly believe India is a place everyone must visit at some point in their life. The kindness and warmth of its people, the richness and intrigue of its history, and the explosive flavors of its food are all unparalleled. I am thrilled that I’ve gotten to explore this country not once, but twice, so far, and that I got to share my second trip around the Subcontinent with my buddy Sam from Sam & Audrey.

With our epic, seven-city trip through India now past its halfway point, Sam and I settled into our new digs in the city of Bengaluru (formerly known as Bangalore) after a long flight from Amritsar in the north. I personally prefer to go the Airbnb route when I travel through India so I don’t have to deal with the hassles of a hotel. Join us as we take you on a tour of our Airbnb in the city!

My Film Making Kit ► https://kit.com/davidsbeenhere

In Bengaluru, Sam and I stayed at Casa LaVelle, a luxury apartment complex in the CBD, or Central Business District, of the city, not far from Cubbon Park and Church Street, which we explored in previous videos. Our unit was B2, which was on the second floor of the complex. This apartment has everything you could possibly want: two stories, two bedrooms, to bathrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, a washer, a terrace, and internet!

Inside the living room is a small lounge couch, a larger couch, a TV, some books, and two very comfortable wicker chairs. Just off the living room is my favorite feature of the apartment, the open-air terrace, which contains a small table and four small chairs and looks out at the greenery and neighboring buildings outside. The temperature on the terrace is about fifteen degrees cooler than the temperature outside!

Also, off the living room is a smaller, second level that contains a dining table and a washing machine where we were able to wash all of our dirty clothes and a fire extinguisher.

Also on this level is a standard Indian bathroom, where the shower and toilet are not separate from each other, and the first bedroom, which was Sam’s. The room is spacious and had a queen-sized bed, a desk area, and a cabinet that came stocked with towels, bedding, clothing hangers, extra keys, and extra pillows.

The next room on this level is the kitchen, which is small but perfect. It had two burners where you can cook, as well as a filtered water dispenser, a microwave, and cabinets and shelves loaded with cups, mugs, plates, glasses, utensils, and extra toilet paper, which you’ll definitely need in India! The fridge is out in the dining area, along with the internet modem.

Next, I take you upstairs to my bedroom, which is another very spacious room with a queen-sized bed. The bed was a little hard, but I like hard beds, and the pillow was soft but not too soft. There was also a desk area where I had all of my electronics out and plugged up, and the room was spacious enough for me to have all of my luggage open on the floor and still not be in the way. My room also had a nice walk-in closet, which had enough room for more luggage, and shelves with extra blankets. My bathroom was standard, just like Sam’s, and had a sink, toilet, shower, and water heater.

I highly recommend you stay at Casa LaVelle if you ever come to Bengaluru. It’s centrally located, very spacious, came stocked with anything you could need and more and was very comfortable.


Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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