Hybridkriget mot väst, inget för känsliga

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Jag fick in texten nedan via min FB messinger, och den antyder att det är Ryssland som står bakom hybridkriget mot väst…  eller nån vill att vi ska tro det. Klarhet i frågan väntas tidigast om 50-60 år.

Men sånt här trams går nu runt…
Vi har studerat äkta obduktionsprotokoll flera gånger, WHO har ingalunda förbjudit obduktioner, och vi här i TRNC har t.ex. bara 3G,  men har haft sjuka ändå.  Iran hade inget 5G förra året och var riktigt illa ute.

Vi har studerat 5G-frågan förr, och det finns inga kopplingar, utan det här är crazymaking och ingår i hybridkriget och på FB finns tio- eller hundratusentals västerlänningar som jobbar gratis för att bryta ner väst, se tagg hybridkrig, och jag blir inte förvånad om folk lagförs senare för att de spridit främmande makts propaganda som syftar till att bryta ner befolkningen. Sker det kan de i skarpt läge få livstid.

Texten jag fick in, videor har jag lagt in, och som de aldrig faktakollar utan sprider, helt hänsynslöst
️ Russia has postmortem dissected Covid-19 patient, great discovery has been made. Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses, and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS. It is a GLOBAL scam. People die of ” extended electromagnetic radiation (poison) ”. Doctors in Russia are violating the World Health Organization (WHO) law that does not allow autopsies of people with Covid-19. died.

After a period of scientific discovery, it cannot be assumed that it is a virus, but rather bacteria that cause death and lead to the formation of blood clots in the veins and nerves, from which the patient dies because of these bacteria. Russia defeated the virus and said ” there is nothing else but a coagulation of the blood vessels (thrombosis) and the treatment method is intact ”.

Antibiotic tablets Anti-inflammatory and taking anticoagulants (aspirin). It means that the disease can be cured, this sensational message for the world was prepared by Russian doctors through the autopsy (carcass) of the Covid-19 virus. According to other Russian scientists, ventilators and intensive care units (UCI) were never used. Protocols for this have already been published in Russia.

CHINA already knew this but never published its report. Share this information with your family, neighbors, friends, friends, co-workers so that they can get out of the fear of Covid-19 and understand that it is not a virus but simply bacteria exposed to 5 G rays are. The cause is to hurt people with very low immunity.

This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Those who are victims should take Aprin-100 mg and Apronicot or Paracetamol 650 mg. Because Covid-19 has been shown to cause blood clotting, lead to thrombosis in people and why blood clots in the veins and therefore the brain, heart and lungs cannot oxygenate, which makes it difficult for people to breathe and people die quickly with lack of lack of breathing energy. Doctors in Russia did not listen to the WHO protocol and dissected the corpses on Covid-19 corpses.

Doctors opened arms, legs, and other parts of the body, and after being properly tested, noticed that blood vessels and veins filled with clots that normally prevented blood flow, as well as reducing the flow of oxygen in the body, causing the patient to die After the news of this study, the Ministry of Health of Russia changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin-100 mg to its positive patients and started giving the Empromak. As a result, the patients began to recover and their health began to improve. Russia’s Ministry of Health discharged and sent home more than 14,000 patients in one day. Source: Ministry of Health of Russia.



Om Lena Holfve 18255 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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