Två författare, och hur ser då läkare ut, som agerar ut hårt nu?

Invandring Diagram

Det blir besöksförbud på äldreboenden vilket medför att anhöriga har noll koll.

Om vi nu fortsätter tanken att kuppmakarna i grunden är narcissiter så får vi ihop teater av den typ vi såg nyss. De är extremt manipulativa, och i en sådan omfattning att man ibland bara gapar även om man är van vid dem i t.ex. domstolar.

Sam Vaknin ,90 000 prenumeranter, är författare och själv narcissist – vilket märks ibland – men han är också extremt kunnig och han tar nu upp:

If anyone is to blame for the mass panic that swept across the globe, it is the medical profession. It failed us beyond words in providing a measured, reasoned, proportional, and analytical response to this health crisis.

Yesterday, the White House’s coordinator, Dr. Brix suggested in a public statement that 200,000 people might die in the USA (based on the flimsiest of evidence and on undisclosed mathematical models not available for peer review and scrutiny). Dr. Fauci of NIAID is not far behind in his coast to coast alarmism.

The world renowned epidemiologist Lipsitch published an academic paper (with others of equal stature) suggesting, with a straight face, that social distancing was a successful measure in the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-19. To remind you: 100,000,000 died on that unhappy occasion. Isn’t such a slaughter more indicative of the dismal failure and dangerous nature of quarantines and universal isolation – rather than its alleged and untried efficacy?

Other leading luminaries, or rather self-aggrandizing panic merchants – like Osterholm, the self-imputed ”virus doctor” – are making the talk show rounds, strutting their stuff: they are some of the very same people who erred egregiously by predicting 1,400,000 dead in both the SARS (2002-3) and the Ebola pandemics and the need for 500,000,000 vaccines immediately, or else.

So, what is going on? Fear of failure and its attendant humiliation (”not on my watch”), better safe than sorry, the intoxicating novel experience of the limelight and mini-celebrity, and terror of the devastating consequences of litigation run amok.

There are 8 strains of SARS Cov-2 (the COVID-19 virus). Is it going to mutate and kill us all? Exceedingly unlikely. HIV (the AIDS virus) has been around since 1931 and has mutated only in 1971. Even so, it infected 75,000,000 and killed 32,000,000 people. Like SARS Cov-2, HIV is a zoonotic virus (zoonosis: transmitted from animals to humans). Such viruses account for 60% of all human illnesses and 75% of new emerging infections.

To study mutations in genetic epidemiology, we sequence genomes and construct phylogenetic trees.

SARS Cov-2 is a very big RNA virus: with 30,000 nucleotides, it is twice as big as the flu agent. But it mutates only twice a month (flu: once or twice a week). Flu circulates among pigs and birds which serve as in vivo labs for mutations.

SARS Cov-2 has two secret weapons: 1. Spikes which allow it to latch onto the ACE2 protein receptor throughout the respiratory system, upper and lower; and 2. Furins: binding proteins that pierce into the patient’s tissue like sharpened knives(anthrax has the same lovely feature)

Ironically, vaccines and medicines exert selective pressure on viruses: they mutate to offer resistance and only the strongest survive the onslaught. Antibiotic resistance has already rendered one third of our antibiotics useless.

The fear is that SARS Cov-2 will undergo an antigenic shift and combine with another virus, far more virulent and transmissible, also allowing it to cloak itself invisible to the immunological system.

Antigenic drift (its current state) is actually likely to reduce its effectiveness (as it did to SARS and MERS). Big viruses are less likely to undergo drift and more like to recombine with other pathogens.

Still, the good news is: immunity acquired is likely to last for years as the virus changes only minimally. This is why universal quarantine and social distancing are huge mistakes: they prevent the emergence of herd immunity. Measures targetted only vulnerable populations would have forestalled much of the tragedy now unfolding.

Han kallar karantäner för ett stort misstag
narcHan säger vad han ser men han kan inte fascism. De avlivar ALLTID gamla, sjuka, svaga, och under Sam och en psykläkare lägger jag ut deras troligaste brottsalibi.

Den dag de torskar kommer de tjata hål i huvudet på den domstol som ska ha med dem att göra om just dessa deras brottsalibin.

Kommunister, fascister, nazister – kalla dem vad du vill – är alltid mördare slutligen och deras största brottsalibi är alltid att de ”räddar världen”.

De kommer stå på tills nån maktmänniska – en riksåklagare t.ex – med kraft drar ner brallorna på dem.

Alla manipulationer säger mig att det är Covert narcissiser främst som härjar på arkitektsnivå. Jag är i princip 100% säker, och jag lutar mig mot min domstolsvana.


Have you ever felt toyed with, judged, controlled, or manipulated by someone who just shrugs and says they have no idea why you would feel frustrated? If so, you may have encountered a covert narcissist. Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter details 8 indicators of this personality pattern, explaining how you can thrive separately. Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who practices counseling in the Dallas, Tx. area. He has conducted many workshops and over 60,000 counseling sessions.

Surviving Narcissism 284 000 prenumeranter



Deras troligaste brottsalibi


Om Lena Holfve 18245 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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