Energiroade uteslutande; Molly, Tom, Christopher

Virgo season ends with powerful awareness and revised directions as the Sun trines Pluto RX in Capricorn before moving through the Equinox Portal on September 22. This is the beginning of Libra season and we move into the second half of the astrology year with a focus on energies that we share, offer, and experience with others. Venus in Leo trines Chiron RX in Aries on Sept 23, bringing confidence and strength to what you’ve reprogrammed in your heart. Then Mars in Libra opposes Chiron RX in Aries at 18 degrees, which requires action with detachment and to not take anything personally. Mercury in Virgo will trine Jupiter RX in Taurus at 14 degrees on September 25, opening up new solutions, options, and efficiency that may have felt delayed during Mercury retrograde. More to share in this week’s podcast episode.

Love is forever calling me,
To let go of my self-centered ways,
And not let my fear of losing my truth,
Make me go when I could have stayed.

It’s time to clean up our act, put the final touches on our makeup, and get ready to get out there as the show’s about to begin! As I said in the video today, the equinox is an ”evolutionary gate.” It’s a turning point. That means it’s time to make choices. Choices about what and who comes with you and what and who gets left behind.

This is also reflected in a number of other aspects occurring at this time. The Sun inconjunct Saturn in Pisces indicates that this is a time to break free from past structures that once provided security. In addition, let’s not forget that the Sun is just finishing an opposition to Neptune. That aspect brought up our illusions in order to help us see them and let go of pipedreams so we can create reality more true to ourselves.

The Sun/Neptune/Saturn aspects are also emphasized again in the Sabian Symbol for this week that ends with the ”CONQUEST OF ILLUSION.” These last few weeks of the Sun/Mercury in Virgo have served to show us what is real and what needs adjustment/cleaning up/cleaning out so we’re not carrying too much baggage into a new future. Take a few days ”total concentration,” get to the heart of the matter, and start anew next week!

Devoting To A Plot Change! Dancing with Pluto. This week you finalize your intentions to transform you lifestyle. The net result is a dance with Pluto, and a transformation of your seat of power in life. Brought to you by http://SiriusJoy.com ! (Stay connected with links below our timecode chapters) 2:43 | Intro 4:20 | Zodiac Weather 8:26 | Planets & Transits 54:45 | Charts 1:03:15 | ☕️Tea Time 1:08:03 | ♈️Aries 1:10:28 | ♉️Taurus 1:12:49 | ♊️Gemini 1:15:27 | ♋️Cancer 1:17:55 | ♌️Leo 1:21:31 | ♍️Virgo 1:24:57 | ♎️Libra 1:28:00 | ♏️Scorpio 1:30:32 | ♐️Sag 1:33:11 | ♑️Capricorn 1:35:50 | ♒️Aquarius 1:39:34 | ♓️Pisces


Om Lena Holfve 18279 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.