Energiroade; Tom & Molly

Like a sculptor gazing upon a new stone,
I see the future me.
The thoughts I am thinking are the tools I will use,
To free my true identity.

The best example I can give of the energy from now through the full Moon is physical therapy. Have you ever done physical therapy after an accident or operation? Let’s say with the Mars/Uranus last weekend you got a physical ”message” from the cosmos through your physical body. It might hurt, be sore, tight, painful. The therapy is to do your exercises, stretch those muscles, and go though the pain in order to regain, strengthen, and get back in shape. This Mars (muscles) square Saturn (constriction) needs will force to push through.

You may have this same thing happening on the emotional, mental, or spiritual levels. The old you got blasted or you got ”upgraded” to a new, unfamiliar reality (suddenly, as Uranus is involved). You may feel traumatized and victimized if you were not the originator of the change, feel the need for it, or want it. One way or the other, as the mantra says, during these next couple of weeks it will be good to apply your willpower to discipline your mind.

Lastly, I suggest talking to your body and yourself. I know it’s a little weird but it really works! And only talk to it of course, but listen to the answers! Both your body and your feelings can teach your mind a few things that will help you upgrade your life experience. Check it out!

This week I offer one of my fav songs (especially the guitar solo at the end)! After the little bit about the bird taking flight in the Pele Report, click on this link for Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ”Freebird!” https://youtu.be/QxIWDmmqZzY




Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.