Energiroade: Molly, Tom + plutokraften skapar revolutioner och byter ”arbetsområde”

Plutokfraften byter ”arbetsområde” i slutet av januari, och denna fas pågår till 2044. Det blir en helt ny värld.

Mercury and Venus are active this week as each personal planet changes signs and makes a beneficial connection to Saturn in Pisces. Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec 1 and Venus enters Scorpio on Dec 4, bringing in serious considerations and opportunities to stand in your truth in a new way. You may feel stronger and clearer in a decision or something you want, especially after eclipse season has evolved our hearts, desires, and priorities. Neptune stationing direct on Dec 6 is highlighting how we take care of our energy when we feel stressed and overwhelmed, including how to trust what you need and to ask for support from the Universe to move through any blocks, fears, or stagnation. December begins with magical frequencies, which we discuss in this week’s podcast episode.


The best thing I can do for the world,
Is to Spiritualize my I.
That I may become a window through which,
Others may see the light.

🎄 CHRISTMAS SALE!! Would you like to get more out of the Pele Report? Have you wanted to learn more about yourself through astrology and your birth chart? I’ve put together the perfect Astro-Beginner Bundle for YOU, and it’s on sale at 50% off NOW! Check it out: https://bit.ly/astro-bundle

Let’s be clear about it: Evolution is not a given, it is not a MUST, it is voluntary, and it requires time, energy, attention, effort, and risk. Rudolf Steiner stated that we first were given an egoic ”I” in the middle of the Age of Atlantis, way over 10,000 years ago. Since then, we have had many lifetimes to develop our individuality and evolve toward the spiritual stage of evolution. Still, it is a long, slow process that must be chosen freely.

Alas, not many have, and many are not wanting, trying, willing, or interested in Spiritualizing the ”I,” which is the next step after developing it. I like the old Allman Brothers song ”You Can’t Lose What You Never Had.” Indeed, you can’t give away something you don’t own, and you can’t graduate from something you haven’t mastered. We must first realize our unique Self, then break away from conventional conditioning to individualize and fully liberate ourselves.

The thing is that it doesn’t stop there, that’s just the beginning! Once those processes are complete, we progress to a deeper understanding of our place within the divine consciousness/plan of creation within the heart of ”All That Is.” We become aware of our divine nature, our Spirit Self, and we communicate, unite, feel, and belong to another dimension of existence beyond the 3D egoic ”I,” material world, and death. This exciting journey to reunite with the Source of all creation transforms us into beacons of light on Earth. Let’s do it!


Om Lena Holfve 18257 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.