In order to go forward,
Sometimes I need to go back,
And clean up a mess I made here or there,
So I can stay on track.
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That’s retrograde Mars for ya! And that’s Gemini too. The airy mutable sign of Gemini is not the most emotionally aware or based sign of the zodiac so a fiery (Mars) fully emotional (full Moon) may send us spinning a little bit and feeling a little crazy. Add to that Venus square Jupiter and chaos may reign!
The sabian symbol gives us the key to handling this changeable/mutable/unstable energy and that is to take it as an evolutionary opportunity to mature, grow up, become more objective, serious, grounded, determined, and deliberate in out thoughts and actions. It’s really quite the symbol to show up in the sign of Gemini as it has both Sagittarius and Capricorn overtones to it.
So if you are feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated, or disoriented know first this Moon will pass, feel all the feelings knowing that they want to be felt, have something to show/tell you about yourself, and once you get it let them go. Reflect on what began in mid-September, adjust it now, and prepare for it come into fruition in mid February. No need to push it.
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