Källan, 204 visningar, inga kommentarer, uppladdad 13 augusti
Det är en man som presenteras som medicinare nu, men är alt-läkare, som inte får praktisera, avstängd i fem år, sen 2017.
Nu kommer det se ut som om jag bara tagit fram uppgifter som misskrediterar honom, och det finns inga andra. Jag hittar ingen, bara rasande människor;
How Quacks Become Millionaires: ’5G-COVID’ Doctor Will Sell Supplements
Thomas Cowan tycks ligga bakom många påståenden som fått fäste, och det ena är att man aldrig har isolerat viruset, som inte ens finns, och det andra att man får Covid av 5G. Han är också författare till storsäljare, och det är väl den vägen han har fått just fäste i folk?
Until last July, Thomas Cowan ran an alternative medicine practice that didn’t accept insurance, sold nutritional supplements and offered $375 consultations. Cowan has published several fringe medicine books — including one questioning whether viruses cause disease — that rank highly on searches for vaccine books on Amazon and bookseller Barnes and Noble.
The medical board in 2017 had placed Cowan on a 5-year probation for prescribing unapproved medications to a breast cancer patient. Läs mer
For example, the 5G theory began with Thomas Cowan, a physician whose medical licence is on a five-year probation. He is currently prohibited from providing cancer treatment to patients and supervising physician assistants and advanced practice nurses. So we can question his credentials.
His 5G video was from a talk he presented at a pseudo-scientific conference featuring a who’s who of science deniers. One of the headliners was Andrew Wakefield, a debarred former physician and seminal figure in the anti-vaccination movement who promotes highly damaging misinformation about vaccination based on data that he is known to have falsified. Läs mer
Viral video claiming 5G caused pandemic easily debunked och i TRNC finns inte 5G, inte i Iran, som haft en mess, heller, men väl Covid.
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