Energiroade; Sadhguru, Jaggi Vasudev, född i Kanataka

Pranam to the amazing Sadhguru! I love his videos, they are so inspiring, his voice so soothing and reassuring.

I wonder why nobody looked at his chart from the Moon, it gives many insights. His Moon is in the religious sign of Sagittarius. Many preachers, saints and gurus are born under Sagittarius. It is in the 8th house of esoterics, mysticism, yoga. Interestingly enouhgh Upapada lagna denoting his wife shared the same features. Aspect of Rahu on the 2nd of UL could be responsible for her early death (samadhi).

Skarmavbild    klFrom Moon 10th lord indicating profession is Mercury, and in D9 it is in Sagittarius, indicating his Jupiter related profession. Mercury is related to speech, so he is a famous speaker and preacher. in D1 10th from Moon goes to the 9th house conjonining 9th lord Sun and 5th lord Mars, thus forming raja yoga. 9th house also points to religious activities. 10th house from Moon contains Jupiter and Venus, both planets are Guru. Rahu is in 11th from Moon and also darakaraka, so he will gain a lot of fame abroad.

Interesting that Mercury is Atmakaraka, so the planet which carries the biggest karmic debt and the main task for this life. In the trines to Mercury in D9 there are Venus and Jupiter, so his soul desire in this life is to teach what he actually does.

If we look from lagna, we see that there are most planets in moksha trikona – 4,8, 12 houses. So he is leading himself and others towards moksha.. The heavy emphasis on 4th house indicates the focus on inner peace, meditation, heart.

Interestingly enough, his lagna is Taurus related to nature, earth, feritility, and he speaks so much about being close to earth, that we are products and part of this earth. Lagna Taurus makes him very attractive, and nakshatra lagna Rohini gives an amazing charm which probably can give us some notion about Krishna’s charm who was also born under Rohini. Even the birth around midnight is a bit similar to Krishna. Lagnesh in Chitra explains his bright and unusual dress – not simple orange outifts worn by most sadhus. Jupiter is in Hasta related to hands, and I noticed he uses his hands a lot while talking. Källa


Jaggi Vasudev is the author of several books. His Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy made The New York Times Best Seller list in several categories.Vasudev is also the author of Mystic’s Musings and Death: An Inside Story.

Vasudev is a frequent public speaker who has been invited to address many prestigious forums and conferences across the globe, such as the United Nation’s Millennium World Peace Summit, the House of Lords, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the International Institute for Management Development. He has also spoken at the annual World Economic Forum in 2007, 2017 and 2020.[31][32]

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