What Do I Really Need To Know About The Future Magnetic Excursion?
Under filmen lägger jag hans referenser.
Effects of geomagnetic activity variations on the physiological and psychological state of functionally healthy humans: some results of Azerbaijani studies http://bit.ly/358x9jg Scholarly Articles On Geomagnetic Effects On Human Health http://bit.ly/353tym3 CMIP6 Data http://bit.ly/2Mzsfos Reduction In Earth’s Dipole http://bit.ly/367z2xa Data Set #2 http://bit.ly/39nqgxo Meta-analysis of Cognitive Performance by Novel Object Recognition after Proton and Heavy Ion Exposures http://bit.ly/2MBRExP Increased aggression and reduced aversive learning in honey bees exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields http://bit.ly/2tW0oYZ Geomagnetic Storms ans Human Health http://bit.ly/2Lhe5HM Planetary K-Index http://bit.ly/2keiUaE The Role of Geomagnetic Field Intensity in Late Quaternary Evolution of Humans and Large Mammals http://bit.ly/2ZtETdX Exposure to galactic cosmic radiation compromises DNA repair and increases the potential for oncogenic chromosomal rearrangement in bronchial epithelial cells https://go.nature.com/39g2KlI Magnetic Storms Affect Humans As Well As Telecommunications http://bit.ly/36laSiG The Higher Yugas and the Unfolding of Human Potential http://bit.ly/2EWTvcc Schumann Resonance Today – Update http://bit.ly/2MA4Kvf What is a Schumann Resonance? https://go.nasa.gov/351yBTR
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