Vi håller koll på inbördeskriget + Bibelstudier

Ovan är Trumplistan, och det är redan övertydligt att det är runt DT konflikten spinner och vi vet redan att ett krig ska fram.

Medvetet? Tre minuter utan luft, tre dagar utan vatten….

Largest U.S. Water Reservoir Running Out


Det är en självklarhet att det är samma organisation bakom som crazymakar folk

En amerikansk röst, och han planerar 3-4 videor för att förklara hur man kunde hamna där man är. Indianräkning, säger jag, karma. Fel, säger mannen i nästa video.


Bonnie & I are so excited to serve the Lord this month–as I am sure each of you also would declare. Here is the EZEKIEL’S PROPHETIC PANORAMA Q&A class that is part of the homework for the current Old Testament Eschatology Classes I am teaching this month. The group of organizations Bonnie & I volunteers for as missionaries have an initiative for Training NextGeneration Tent-Maker Pastors, Missionaries & Evangelists. They have registered over two hundred students for an Eschatology Course that we are teaching part of this month. We are assigned Ezekiel, Daniel & Zechariah. It is VERY exciting to hear from the students.

We have actually served with these mission organizations since 2013 and have seen so many pastors, evangelists, and missionaries that are faithfully serving in their own country. The goal is to see Asians reaching Asia, Africans reaching Africa, and Europeans reaching Europe. Just this morning I heard from one we have trained in EastAsia who said he is excited as he serves his own people each day. He is actually part of our continuing education courses where we teach Biblical Counseling & Discipleship, Theology, Bible Survey, and Spiritual Warfare courses to these in-country, fruitful servants of the Lord. We are praying this class will be a BLESSING to you and are asking you to each PRAY for us that the cameras, computers, audio systems, and WiFi will work so that we can finish this incredible month of MINISTRY for ETERNITY!

Thanks in advance! From Q&A-30, BYT-30, EBI-10, & EBI-11 Here are links to the 52 Greatest Chapters Bible Study Resources we are using: 1. The MacArthur Study Bible I use: 2. Grudem Systematic Theology: 3. The Best Cross-Reference Guide to the Bible: 4. Here are the Navigator Verse Cards that Bonnie & I use: 5. The ESV Audio Bible: 6. The NKJV Audio/Dramatized Bible: 7. The KJV Audio Bible: 8. The NIV Dramatized Bible: 9. The Larger Moleskin Notebook I use: 10. The Smaller Moleskin Notebook I use: 11. This is the personal-sized Bible I take with me everywhere as I travel, and that you see in the videos: 12. These are the Bible Tabs I showed you on the videos: 13. This is the Daily Bible that Bonnie & I read from for 15 minutes each day so we as a couple go through the Bible once each year: “As an Amazon Associate, I earn income to support us in ministry from qualifying purchases.” Join the LAND OF THE BOOK channel to get access to weekly video releases over the next year totaling 50+ EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS that feature weekly in-depth Bible Study lessons with John & Bonnie. Plus all the assigned HOLY LAND STUDY RESOURCES, and John’s two most loved books–David’s Spiritual Secret & Living Hope for the End of Days at:…

Om Lena Holfve 18245 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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