The earth has been building up to the shifts coming in the year 2020 for over a century. 2020 may be the most transformative and enlightening year in the 21st century. Some astrologers predict 2020 to be the ”official” dawn of the Age of Aquarius.
The planets and astrology of 2020 will prove to be a re/evolutionary force on the human psyche. Saturn and Pluto conjoin in January 2020 for the first time in 502 years. The last time Saturn conjoined Pluto in Capricorn was January 3, 1518 — which happens to be the year the African slave trade began. Thus, 2020 marks the end of a 500 year economic/business/control cycle on Earth. Financial markets will be unstable and change dramatically.
Neptune is in Pisces for the first time since the American Civil war. Uranus is in Taurus for the first time since World War II. All of the deep wounds of the collective consciousness are coming forward at the same time in 2020. Therefore human values and the definitions of human rights will be debated in the upcoming year.
Solar and lunar eclipse events create a massive shift in human awareness. In an average year, the Earth experiences 2 solar eclipses and 2 lunar eclipses, making a total of 4 events per year. In 2020, there will be SIX eclipse events. This means there will be a 50% gain in collective The Countdown to 2020 online webinar explores these conscious shifts and how they apply to each of the 12 zodiac signs. You will learn the key dates of change, the dangerous zones and the times of greatest opportunity.
Sign up today and enter one of the most profound years of your life informed and ready to thrive.
Namaste Today: Quantum New Moon in Aquarius • 1/20/20
Welcome to Aquarius! After the heaviness of the last 4 weeks, spacey out-of-this world Aquarius is a welcome vacay from me-ality. The time has come to change your inner vibe. A new moon on Friday calls to reposition yourself in the Universe. You may experience minor turbulence in this flight. Put your oxygen mask on first.
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