Tom läser veckans energier, och förslår att vi gör oss redo för berg- och dalbanan

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I can be afraid,
Of my feelings deep inside,
But the more of myself I own and embrace,
The easier it is to decide.

Very often birth is painful, messy, and a long process (getting easier when repeated). The birth of a new socio-political-economic-paradigm here on earth is proving to be just that. One thing that is for certain, we are in the beginning stages of this multi-year challenge and it is far too soon to see or predict the outcome. Mars is leading the way having just begun a new cycle with Jupiter and Pluto and next with Saturn this weekend. While we will see some new discoveries, approaches (dictates), and ”solutions” to the current crisis, these will be short lived and function more as bandaids on a large, open wound. So I suggest getting mentally and emotionally prepared for this roller coaster ride as we will be on it for awhile.

Which brings me to the mantra! Our world in general has been ”yang” oriented, seeking external stimulation, excitement, and distraction that has gone unchecked (like the US economy) far beyond the natural cycles of ”new, waxing, full, waning, rebirth.” When natural cycles are tampered with, not allowed to ”breathe,” more sudden, traumatic, and extreme conditions result. Having gone ”far far far out there,” it is now time to ”deep, deep, deep in there!” Let’s embrace rather than fear that perhaps unknown territory of ”Self,” and venture into our own unconscious fears, needs, desires, and dreams to make the most out of these ”end times,” and birth a future state of bhakti as referenced into this new Moon’s Sabian symbol!


Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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