Sverige är ett rött land, och det här påståendet stämmer inte


Påståendet ovan stämmer inte
Du kan vaccinera dig hundra gånger, men du kommer inte in i TRNC ändå, inte utan karantän.

Regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not, they will be able to enter the country with the condition of taking a negative PCR result in the last 72 hours before travel and a 10-day quarantine.

Kan man fundera på varför man är så stränga mot just oss? Det får jag gräva i.

Jag har inte sett en svensk gäst sen december 2019….
Men hårdheten lär leda till att TRNC klarar en tredje våg bättre, och just nu ser det ut som om den kan ha dragit igång i Taiwan.

Pandemier brukar ha tre vågor, och de brukar vara i 3-4 år, och de brukar komma med 18 års mellanrum, och denna lär gå till historien av många skäl. Inte minst som sjukdomen som DOM hittade på MOT FOKET!



Publicerat den 3 juni

Här är TRNC:s regler från den 7 juni, som en jämförelse enbart med t.ex. Sverige.

Läget just nu, klicka

Summary of the latest decisions made as published in the press.
I will do the full document once it appears in the Official Gazette
UK is in Amber.
Click on the picture to enlarge. Längst ner, min not.
The country list is valid from 3rd to 10th June 2021.

From 7 June 2021
Curfew will be 00.00 to 05.00
Retail and merchandising services and all services/sectors not specified as closed can open between 08.30 and 20.00
Restaurants, cafes, patisseries, “Bufets” and “Meyhanes” will continue to offer services between 06.00 and 23.30.
Supermarkets will open between 07.00 and 23.00.
In relation to PCR tests; all institutions/organisations and sectors not specified in the decisions taken in the document will repeat PCR/Antigen tests every 15 days.

Dark Red
People who have traveled to these countries in the last 14 days are prohibited from entering the country.

Regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not, they will be able to enter the country with the condition of taking a negative PCR result in the last 72 hours before travel and a 10-day quarantine.

Vaccinated or recovered
A negative PCR result taken in the last 72 hours before travel.
Entry with no quarantine
Not Vaccinated
A negative PCR result taken in the last 72 hours before travel.
10 days quarantine.
Vaccinated or recovered
A negative PCR result taken in the last 72 hours before travel.
Entry with no quarantine
Not Vaccinated
A negative PCR result taken in the last 72 hours before travel.
7 Days Quarantine.

Vaccinated or recovered
No restrictions.
Not vaccinated
A negative PCR result taken in the last 72 hours before travel.
Entry with no quarantine

Entries, by individual application, subject to special permission.

PCR / LAMP / ANTIGEN tests can be applied at all entrances.
Vaccinated person: Completed the vaccination program. From 14 days after the last dose to 6 months.
• SINOPHARM: 2 Doses
• COMIRNATY (Pfizer/BioNTech): 2 Doses
• VAXZEVRIA (Astrazeneca/Oxford): 2 Doses
• COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen / Johnson and Johnson: 1 Dose
• SPUTNIK V: 2 Doses
• MODERNA: 2 Doses

People who have recovered: Submitting a positive PCR test result between 30-180 days before travel.
Children under the age of 18 will be able to enter the country with their vaccinated parents in accordance with the PCR test rules (children over 6 years old) according to the country category they come from.
Passengers will be evaluated according to the country in the highest risk group among the countries they have set foot/ been in, in the last 14 days.

Internal border crossings will be as stated below.
Level 1 (Green): No tests, no restrictions
Level 2 (Amber): Negative Antigen/PCR test every 7 days
Level 3 (Red): Border crossings are restricted. Crossing for health reasons a PCR test taken in the last 72 hours.

Crossing because of work, education, residence, a negative Antigen/PCR test every 7 days.
Passengers will be evaluated according to the country in the highest risk group among the countries they have set foot/ been in in the last 14 days.

Persons who need to be quarantined according to the above criteria
By showing an address of residence in our country and on the condition of downloading the “Güvende Kal” (Stay Safe Application) before arriving at the country, people will be able to spend quarantine periods of 10-14 days according to the country they arrived from at their specified addresses of residence with a wristband.

For the purpose of spending their quarantine period, they will go to the addresses of residence in the undertaking given, alone in their own vehicles or accompanied by a driver or by public transport, taxis, and touristic mini-buses with permits specified by the Ministry of Finance.

People over the age of 65 and those who go abroad for health reasons via the Health Committee will be able to download the “Güvende Kal” (Stay Safe Application) immediately after they arrive in the country.
Those not covered by the rules specified above, do not show a residence address in our country and people arriving at our country, will remain in designated central quarantine hotels for 10-14 days according to the country they came from.

People who do not comply with home quarantine will be sent to central quarantine, they will pay the quarantine fees themselves and it is recommended that criminal proceedings be initiated against them in accordance with the relevant legislation.


Om Lena Holfve 18240 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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