Överkurs för energiroade; Nu ska vi ha kul…

astro e

Jag har konsulterat en indier, med tanke på ”hotet” jag står inför att TRNC vill att vi ska ha megainkomster för att få VISA, och han börjar med att låta mig kolla bakåt. Det ger mig möjlighet att se att han kan sin sak men det vet jag redan.

Jag beställde denna därför att jag blev rätt chockad då jag insåg att jag bör dubblera inkomsterna, även om jag säkert kan krångla mig kvar via vänner, för jag vill följa reglerna.

Jag ville alltså få en indikation på hur det ser ut de kommande två åren, och det är precis så här jag använder indierna. Det mannen nedan säger har min indiske son Vikram redan sagt i princip speciellt angående UMS, sist jag var nere i Indien, och han kan det här också.

resultat kopiaDet jag vinner är att oro avseende bostad försvinner, och den tar energi, och jag får också ett slags tidsplan över när mitt ums-jobb är klart dvs jag har vänt en gigantisk tankbåt hemma.

UMS online läggs ner när båten är vänd, och då återstår metoden i bokform, och jag tackar den armé numera friska som hjälpt till ute på vårdcentralerna bara genom att visa upp sig.

Först nu en kort genomgång bakåt i tiden:


1B All nine planets with 2-line description of expected results + their dasa periods with date

MERCURY =>27/2/1948 – 27/2/1965

Good time to develop intelligence and writing skills – stämmer givetvis eftersom jag är barn då.

KETU =>27/2/1965 – 27/2/1972

This period signifies that of reflection, taking rest or taking a vacation stämmer givetvis och i skolan var jag ”aldrig”, har alltid utrett själv..

VENUS =>27/211972 – 27/2/1992

Change your home or the way it looks like from inside & outside – stämmer mycket väl

SUN =>27/2/1992 – 27/2/1998

Good initiative and action at your end – – stämmer mycket väl på dagen snudd och jag lämnar bokskrivandet för IT

MOON =>27/2/1998 – 27/2/2008

Travel and change is there – – stämmer mycket väl, jag reser jämt, besökt 70-75 länder

MARS =>27/2/2008 – 27/2/2015

It will affect health and all relationships including marital life – – stämmer mycket väl, mkt, mkt sjuk, och det började så smått 2008


Då har han demonstrerat att han kan sin sak

Now onwards

RAHU =>27/2/2015 – 27/2/2033
Unexpected matters and changes are there for you. Rahu in 7th bhava means travel to distant lands – flyttade i princip ner 2015 och har vistats i Indien mycket


JUPITER =>27/2/2033 – 27/2/2049
This is a time for enthusiasm, fun, socializing with people.
Your inclination to dharma may increase.
What it is promising for you and in which minor dasas it is likely to be fulfilled.
You are running the main period of rahu till oct 2023


3. Detailed Analysis of Major-Minor Periods coming in the ordered time period
Coming 2 years
Rahu Jupiter till April 2020
Rahu Saturn till Oct 2021
Rahu Jupiter till April 2020
Some obstacles to career as 6th bhava lord is in 10th house.

Some more struggle to be a successful is there – det är väntat att folk kommer stöka med mig om ”alternativmedicin” längre fram men när de utreder den saken ser de att det är inte riktigt det vi sysslar med.

The 9th lord in the 10th bhava makes the person famous as well now. Also somewhat good for you position of honor or respect. Fair wealth would be earned and luxury and comfort would be there. You would follow generally an ethical path and earn through the right means – väntat att jag kommer att ”vinna” den striden, och UMS-programmet går ut via vårdcentralerna t.ex.


Your career would expand in this time significantly – UMS-metoden växer
You will encounter situations to do the same
You will have ample enthusiasm in the office
There could be lot of meetings with new people in the office environment – UMS-metoden slår igenom?
Avoid worrying due to over work or over ambition at work place.
Your interests towards religion would increase and that would help you professionally as well.

Your position in career and your reputation at work will go through many challenges during these years – givet att metoden kommer att nagelfaras och det är bara bra.

Also your sphere of influence would improve.
You will very much enjoy this part of life due to achieving honor and prestige.

Detailed Life Reading with Dasha Results -2 Year Analysis
Income will increase in general.
You could expect new sources of income being created
Investments in this period should give good returns
Excessive expenses need to avoided in this time
You could lend money, but with proper protection of your interests.


Utesluter jag här, privat.


Health should be fine, but worry needs to be kept at bay.

Rahu –Saturn till Oct 2021

As Saturn your 8th bhava lord is in the 4th bhava, one needs to drive carefully.

Skärmavbild    klBONUS donate to poor whenever needed – därför att pengar är en energi

Your career would expand and you could expect good amount of effort.

There could be delays in what you deserve on the professional front – Klart det tar tid att vända en hel tankbåt i Sverige!

Your delivering work in a discipline fashion would deliver good results
Expect some coldness or roughness at the office environment – Knivhugg i ryggen är väntade från woffare t.ex.


Detailed Life Reading with Dasha Results -2 Year Analysis
Your interests towards philosophy could increase in this time.

Income should steadily increase
Investments on lands should work fine at this time
Expenses on family health problems could be there.


Utesluts här, privat.

Suggestions and Remedies

Skärmavbild    klDonate to old age homes – därför att pengar är en energi

Donate to poor people

4. What your focus in life should be in next 2 years?
You could expect positive changes, rewards for your good work, overall success and travel. As indicated you could expect positive changes during this period in which old things will go away and make way for new things. You could expect realization of your hopes and wishes, so keep an eye on the opportunities that this period has to offer.


Detailed Life Reading with Dasha Results -2 Year Analysis
This is the time for attainment and advancement. You could expect to travel. During this time you may start thinking about change of job or change in your residence. Investments have a higher chance of bearing fruits.

A negative reaction in this period can result into one being emotional and flying away from responsibilities. If this happens one could expect delays and roadblocks and opportunities getting slipped away. Negativity is to be consciously controlled and if it persists one has to keep in mind that business dealings are to be addressed after legal counsel as there is a possibility of losses.

This is a rewarding period and keep in mind that the opportunities in this period have the potential to grow up to your expectations.

You would gain in love and respect in the office. Your career could expand and you would get an opportunity to grow.
Your money/income could increase.
You might have outings and fun this time.

5. Opportunities & Challenges coming your way in next 2 years:
Already covered above
You will get opportunities for extra money though professional connections.
You must shun them strictly.
Challenges will be many, the foremost being the challenges from your own self.

6. Remedies;
Chant “Om DurgaoiiNamah” every day, as frequently as possible.
The more you chant this mantra the more help and support you get.
Even silent chanting is ok.

Detailed Life Reading with Dasha Results -2 Year Analysis
This mantra controls and restricts the adverse effects of ALL natural as well as functionally malefic planets, and therefore is highly effective for offering a better life.

Your question: I am writing books again, after 25 quiet years, I wrote a lot of books 1981-1992, big success. Now I have written 4 started 2016 and it is quiet… When will people in Sweden ”see” them?

Reply: Saturn would get into your house of relationships that is 7th bhava by Jan 2020. So it would connect your books to Swedish people in an year or so.

Also donate to poor people and donate silken clothes to women as your house of public image is ruled by Venus. So when Venus gets strong your books will sell like anything. 2020 and especially 2020 ending and 2021 is favourable for you.



Om Lena Holfve 18456 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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