Messiaskortet i NWO-kortleken

Skärmavbild    kl

nDe lär dra Messiaskortet efter Greta-Global-Warming, tror jag, men jag kan inte Bibeln på mina fem fingrar tyvärr vilket leder till att jag inte ser VARFÖR direkt. Har man grunda kunskaper inträffar inget ”helkopterseende”. Jag har en FB-vän som kan den i klass med biskop Ström men det är inte samma sak som att kunna den själv.

En av de viktigaste sakerna jag lärde mig av Ingmar var det faktum att Bibeln är skriven helt utan adjektiv därför att de var inte uppfunna då den skrev. De skrev i bilder. Vi ska alltså tolka Jesus som går på vatten som så att han var t.ex. envis, målmedveten, uthållig, modig – välj vilket adjektiv du vill. När Jesus delar ut mat till många från två fiskar ska vi tolka det som att han var solidarisk, omtänksam, etc. Eller så tolkar vi de två fiskarna som skribenten nedan gör.

Det förtigs förmodligen därför att man vill ha fram att den som tror att folk kan gå på vatten är helt vrickad.

När amatörer använder många adjektiv kallar jag det för ”adjektivsjukan”
Skärmavbild    klEtt klassiskt exempel är Hans Holmérs bok ”Loppan” som startar upp med en kaskad av just adjektiv. En författare ska inte skriva ”Han var bredaxlad, lång och tjock.” Ett proffs låter karaktären ta på sig ett par skor storlek 52, eller gå in genom en dörr kraftigt böjd, och individen äter choklad dygnet runt. Så långt är bildspråket fortfarande i människans tjänst även om deckartrenden har tagit livet av mycket, bland annat det.

I NWO-agendan finns sekuläriseringen som ett mål
Jag har hittat en suverän text som kanske förklarar varför, och varför bildspråket helst ska avlivas helt. Vill du ha texten översatt finns Googles tjänst.

Skärmavbild    klThe story of Jesus is nothing more than allegorical representation of the Suns yearly journey through the cosmos. This is not theory the story of the SUN mirrors Jesus’ life in chronological order 100% it is common knowledge the path the Sun takes every year. there are 12 signs the Sun passes through…Jesus had 12 disciples…The Sun takes One year to complete its cycle, Jesus ministry lasted one year.

I wont go into all 12 stops the Sun makes and how they all mirror the Jesus story but I will give you a few key ones and you can research the rest yourself. The year has twelve months. The Zodiac is divided into twelve ”houses,” representing the twelve divisions of the year. it begins In January/February the Sun travels through Aquarius, the water bearer, because it’s the rainy season—and in the Jesus Story we have Jesus visiting John the Baptist, who baptizes with water. John the Baptist is a personification of Aquarius. So our first example in the story of Jesus he just happens to be with THE BAPTISER during the rainy season? Coincidence?

Lets move on, after Jesus leaves JTB he travels to Galilee and meets up with Simon and Andrew who are known as what? THE TWO FISHERMAN right? Lets see where the SUN of God travel to next. After passing through the Milky Way { the Lake…symbolism of Galilee} it comes to the constellation Pisces right? Pisces is knowN by what name? THE TWO FISHES RIGHT? This is also the time when catholics observe Lent and eat only fish paying respect to the SUN as it passes through Pisces.In March the days get longer and warmer, the Sun goes higher in the sky, and the crops begin to grow. The Sun, which had been rising south of due east, rises farther north each morning, until it reaches the point when the Sun rises directly due east. This day is the Vernal Equinox. ’Vernal’ means spring. ’Equinox’ is two words — ’equi’ means equal, ’nox’ means night. Because on this day, the Vernal Equinox, the day and night are of equal length.

Skärmavbild    klAt this time Christians celebrate Easter. East-er, because the Sun is rising due east. Easter is defined as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox, when the Sun rises directly in the east. Thus Easter day is technically defined to be the day when the Sun rises directly in the east, hence East-er.It’s customary for Christians to get up early on Easter morning to watch the Sun rise, then go to church and announce, “He has risen, He has risen indeed!”Jews celebrate Passover at this time. Pass-over, because the Sun is passing over the due east mark. Then it moves into the constellation Gemini—the twins Castor and Pollux. The two bright stars in Gemini are named Castor and Pollux. In the Jesus story Jesus heals two demon possessed men (I bet my left nut their names were Castor and Pollux) (Matthew 8:28-34) Castor and Pollux are also explicitly mentioned in Acts 28:11 — ”As we enter the season of Autumn the leaves fall from the trees and the trees appear to wither.

It is at this point in the story that Jesus is said to curse the fig tree and make it wither, a story which makes no sense if Jesus were a real person, but it makes perfect sense when understood as an allegory. It is simply Autumn, and Jesus, the Sun, who makes the seasons pass, causes the leaves to fall from the trees (Mark 11:20-25; Matthew 21:18-22) In Autumn the Sun travels through Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. The Jesus story goes tragically downhill from there, just like in the season of Autumn the year tragically winds down and comes to an end as the days become short and cold. In October the Sun enters Scorpio, the Scorpion, which figuratively stings the Sun to make it slowly die.

The days begin to get shorter and colder as the Sun rises lower and lower each day. In the Jesus story Jesus is betrayed by Judas, one of the twelve zodiac months of the year. Judas represents Scorpio, the month of October. Judas betrays Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, representing the 30 days of the month. The month being one cycle of the phases of the moon. The moon, a piece of silver in the sky.Jesus is then crucified and placed in a cave. It is the end of the story. A sad ending. But have faith. Jesus, the Sun, will arise again — a new year will begin. Three days after Jesus is placed in the cave he will arise again. This is the prophecy. On Christmas day, December 25, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. December 22 was the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, when the Sun was at its lowest. Three days later, on December 25, the sun rises 1/10 of it’s width farther north — just barely detectable by carefully observing the shadows cast at sunrise. Our savior, the Sun, has been reborn, to begin the cycle of the year and the cycle of life again.In the Gospel story of Jesus, after his resurrection the story ends. Have you never asked what did he do after that? Why does the story end here? Why isn’t the rest of his life chronicled? — The reason is, if you want to read the continuation of the story, turn back to page one.

Skärmavbild    klThe story is circular. Three days after Jesus dies and is placed in the cave he is born again, and the story begins anew. The cross Jesus is crucified on represents the division of the four seasons of the year: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. The four posts of the Cross divide the year into the four seasons. The circle you often see in the center of the Cross, the symbol of Christianity, represents the ecliptic, the circular path of the Sun. A planisphere is a map of the starry night sky. A planisphere also doubles as a time of year calendar. On the planisphere along with the stars is drawn the ecliptic — the apparent path the Sun takes through the stars during the year. On the planisphere the ecliptic is close to a circle. You can divide the planisphere into the four seasons of the year by drawing a cross on it. Thus you end up with a cross with a circle in the middle.

The Old Testament also originated as an astrological allegory. The story of Adam and Eve is the story of Virgo and Bootes, the constellation next to Virgo. The whole story of Moses is an astrological allegory. There is no evidence that any of it actually happened, and quite a lot of evidence that it didn’t. So is the story of Joseph and his coat of many colors, the youngest and most favorite of twelve brothers. The number 12 again is a tip off that this is an astrological allegory of the 12 months of the year and the 12 signs of the Zodiac.Not only that, solar mythology goes beyond the Bible and can be shown to be the basis of most of our oldest and most cherished folk tales and fables.

Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Bean Stalk, Cinderella, Homer’s Odyssey (Odysseus is the Sun who takes a long journey, yearning to return to his wife, Penelope, who represents Virgo. Odysseus then shoots an arrow through twelve axes, representing the twelve months of the year; a feat only the Sun can do) — they all trace their roots back to solar mythology as astrological allegories. They are creative personifications of natural phenomenon. Those that control every aspect of your life whom most say are evil and are under the spell of Lucifer who christians believe controls this physical reality. If that were true and the bible were your key to everlasting life, a life that Lucifer will stop at nothing to keep you from I am farly positive he would have never allowed the bible to become a world wide best seller year after year, i am certain he would have not allowed a church to be built on every corner and on top of it giving them tax exempt status to operate.

If the bible and Jesus were your sword that defeats them, the only thing that they fear, you would not have free accesss to it, it would have been completely hidden from you just like the rest of our history they hide.

You can not believe on one hand that THE BIBLE WERE A LITERAL GUIDEBOOK TO LIVE LIFE BY AND ON THE OTHER HAND BELIEVE THAT THOSE POWERS THAT BE ARE OUT TO KEEP YOU FROM HEAVEN there is an evil in this world that spends every waking moment plotting your demise, you can not believe there is an evil army in our government who control everything from your food, meds , weather, shit even control your mind ( GOVERNMENT= MIND CONTROL……..GOVERN=CONTROL MENT-MIND

Om Lena Holfve 18245 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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