Det bästa man kan göra är att kolla källan själv
President Hassan Rouhani challenged countries who accused Iran of carrying out this month’s attack on a Saudi Arabian oil facility to provide evidence.
”Those who make the allegations must provide the needed proof. What is your evidence?” he told reporters in New York, a day after addressing the UN General Assembly. The United States, France, Germany and Britain have all blamed Iran for the strikes on the kingdom’s Abqaiq plant and the Khurais oil field, which knocked out half of Saudi Arabia’s oil production. Rouhani also urged the US to ”cease this policy of maximum pressure” in favour of ”dialogue, and logic and reason”.
Vi har absolut för få indier i våra liv… de kan få en att tänka, och hitta harmoni
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Uppaluri Gopala Krishnamurti, known as U. G. Krishnamurti, was an Indian philosopher who questioned enlightenment. Although many considered him an ”enlightened” person, Krishnamurti often referred to his state of being as the ”natural state”.
Förvirringen känns total
Jag talade med en läsare igår som sa mig, vilket även jag själv skrivit, att Imperiet kan aldrig lyckas tömma Afrika. Nej, jag tror också att det misslyckas men det räcker ju med att de ens försöker, och jag tänker på de miljoner som redan är uppskyfflade till norra klotet. Tio västerländska imperiehjärnor fulla med kokain kan hitta på mycket.
Israel attackerade Saudi?
Ja, varför inte. Det behöver inte ens vara staten Israel för det räcker med en biljonär.
The September 2019 attack that cut Saudi Arabia’s oil production by up to 60% and has thrown the world into chaos was not a surprise. The claim by US Secretary of State that “Iran did it” is no surprise as well.
That Yemen did it, destroyed the world’s largest oil refinery that has the world’s best air defenses, almost, is a surprise. It is also quite possible that some other “player” is responsible. Let’s postulate about that a bit, perhaps even delving into the kind of conspiracy theories that, of late, have turned out to be correct over and over.
First of all, Saudi Arabia had recently asked Russia for the S400 air defense system. Saudi Arabia has spent endless billions on air defenses and, periodically, drones and missiles from Yemen get through.
The same thing happens to Israel as well, which has led that nation to making “under the table” deals with Hamas over and over while the Likudists play out their “goosestepping” militarist roles for Israel’s misled population, one subject to military censorship over everything they read and see. Läs mer
Här följer två videos som får gestalta att de jänkare som är samhällskunniga är gissningsvis rätt skärrade.
WW3 With Iran? Feds Dump $278 Billion Into Markets, Experts Warn of Major Recession, Bob Kudla
Smart att läka hjärnan nattetid – låt musiken flöda medan du sover OM din hjärna gillar den, det märker du
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