Tom i video 1 är i mina ögon en mycket skicklig västerländsk energiman, och det kan nog vara så att folk orkar inte ta in mer ofta påhittad smörja?
Geppi, i video 2, säger samma sak dvs att nu sticker rädslan
Folk borde ju se igenom men nu påstås energihjälp anlända.
Har de rätt, visar sig, så dör en hel del medier, bloggare / alt-medier, som lever på rädslan, långsamt men säkert.
Du bör kunna känna om de har rätt
Hur reagerar du när du ser killen till höger?
Blir du rädd för astroiden du ska få i huvudet?
Det är avsikten. Jag upplever hela hans ansiktsuttryck som snudd rubbat, och jag blir inte rädd.
Rädd nu då?
Hon ser inte ens rädd ut själv..
Love is healing, supporting and giving,
Perfecting and sharing myself,
A psychic cleansing, emotional clearing,
That restores me to optimum health.
Well that was a long Pele! What remains in my mind is this whole relationship of Venus being the lower octave of Neptune. So beautiful! Like octaves on a piano, they are the same note at different frequencies! In astrology, Neptune symbolizes the collective unconscious and Venus is our conscious experience of the feminine. It is the feminine that is, in a way, Nirvana. And it is the masculine in us that wants to penetrate ultimately into that infinite ocean of oneness, another metaphor for facing or conquering it’s own death = the longing for immortality!

This can be played out at a number of different frequencies or levels, from the gross to the sublime. But as I may have mentioned in the video, they complement and fulfill each other.
The masculine without the feminine can grow fierce and violent in its isolation, the feminine without the masculine can become sentimental (mentioned in the Youtube link of the Tristan/Isolde story below). May you heal and unite your own divine masculine and feminine and live in eternal bliss on earth!
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