Videon visar solklart att det kommer ett ifrågasättande av feminismen, och som jag ser Sverige har vi på tok för mycket maskulin energi – allt har vurpat på grund av det. I princip bara på grund av det.
I videon framträder en kvinna, som fortfarande bär på enorma mängder maskulin energi, men hon har börjat tänka.
En energimänniska ber oss att inte gå in i rädslan: Please do not increase the fears and low vibrations of panic coming from the news. Pluto Saturn conjunction years are indeed more challenging and karmic but they kick start a new phase of growth and development globally. Like a little crisis/ catharsis which turns into a beautiful impetus on a personal and universal level.
If you are going to let the fear in, use it to do some feat of will power, to change radically an aspect of your life.
This Pluto Saturn conjunction squares my Sun and Mars so I was affected very personally by the dramatic crisis time. After a period of grief it transformed into a beautiful change of priorities and attitude towards life.
A mental shift and internal I have been trying to do with will power for years and could not, was done by an act of God which I considered a tragedy, but turned out to be the answer to my prayers since I was 18.
It is humbling and awe inspiring to see how Spirit does the most profound and beautiful work on us through crisis.
Now is such an opening of biggest opportunities for us on personal and collective level through the imitation of crisis.
Be open to where it will take us…
Astrologically the whole 2020 will be full of such moments…so embrace it or the current will sweep you away…
Rädsla sänker frekvenserna, urholkar det viktiga D-vitaminet…
Så dras inte in i vansinnet som pågår nu; det är en influensa… nära 30 000 dör varje dygn normalt sett… nära en miljon på en månad…
Vi får hoppas att pressen ifrågasätts senare, också, för den är helt out of order…
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