Landmark Study Confirms Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Is ’Unambiguously Biological’
In 2016, years before long COVID was a thing, the US National Institutes of Health, the largest single public funder of medical research in the world, launched a study into a long-neglected and puzzling condition: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, or ME/CFS.
Eight years later, the results of that study are finally out. In one of the most thorough investigations to date, researchers took a deep dive into a small group of 17 people who developed ME/CFS after an infection and found distinct biological differences compared to 21 healthy controls.
”Overall, what we show is that ME/CFS is unambiguously biological, with multiple organ systems affected,” neurologist Avindra Nath, lead researcher of the study and clinical director of NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), said in an interview with JAMA.
For decades, many doctors had dismissed ME/CFS as a psychosomatic condition that was ’all in patients’ heads’. Now there is little doubt: a host of biological changes underpin ME/CFS.
”It’s a systemic disease,” Nath continued, ”and the people living with it deserve to have their experiences taken seriously.” Källa
I Sverige är sjukdomen klassad som psykisk, och obotlig, och de kör ACT – lär dig acceptera ditt tillstånd.
Man ska träna så mycket som möjligt… med en inflammation i hjärnan, i hippocampus!!!???!!!
Studien får anses vara en otippad västerländsk nyhet. I Asien har man vetat detta i minst 50 år och har metoder som gör folk helt friska.
Nedan har vi Petrea K Marklund som var sjuk i 17 år, hon började i Utmattningsskolan 2016, jag startade i juli, och hon kom in i slutet av juli. Efter tre år började hon arbeta, och nu har hon varit helt frisk i fyra, fem år.