Folket i Bild och CIA-tanken


Ja, att vi ska hata Kina har vi fattat…

Utan att gå in på detaljer här luktar det inblandning från CIA lång väg. En indikation på detta är att internationella PEN blixtsnabbt gick in och stöttade svenska PEN-klubbens beslut om prisutdelning. Amerikanska intressen vill troligtvis ha Gui Minhai kvar som samvetsfånge som ett led i sin internationella kampanj mot Kina, en kampanj som nu rullar ut världen över. Om det återkommer jag gärna i en annan artikel.

Ett litet belysande tillägg bör göras om Gui Minhais aktiviteter i Hongkong. Där gav han ut litteratur om Kina som bör beskrivas som en variant på svenska ”Hänt i veckan” (som många i Sverige döpt till ”Vänt i häcken” eftersom den mest handlar om vem som vänstrar med vem och gifter om sig med vem i societeten). Den kinesiska varianten som Gui Minhai gav ut handlar om det som skvallras om den kinesiska eliten. Till skillnad från i Sverige är sådant brottsligt i Kina. Det förklarar varför Gui Minhais kompanjon i Hongkong nu flyttat till Taiwan.

Källa; Folket i Bild – Läs mer

Jag kände nog inte så fel förra veckan då jag skrev att det här är större än jag trodde.

Is Sweden making ‘Saving Gui Minhai’ movie?

Source:Global Times Published: 2018/2/10 16:48:39 Källa

After the Hong Kong-based Swedish bookseller Gui Minhai was again detained by Chinese police in front of two diplomats, the Swedish foreign ministry fell silent at first and then accused China of ”brutal intervention” and ”contravening international rules of consular support.”

Taking Gui from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province to Beijing was not supposed to happen. The Swedish Embassy in China played a dishonorable role in the event.

Gui was released from custody in October last year for a traffic offense. He is suspected of being involved in illegal business and the investigation is ongoing. By Chinese law, Gui is not allowed to leave the Chinese mainland and he had earlier promised the police he would not leave Ningbo or at least report his whereabouts if he traveled elsewhere.

But on January 20, two Swedish diplomats took Gui from Ningbo to Beijing. Gui had violated the requirement of Chinese law enforcement authorities and broke his promise. Western media reported that Gui was taken to Beijing to see a Swedish specialist for a medical checkup but that was a lie. No Swedish specialist has recently visited China. Gui also confessed to police that the Swedish government had been plotting to take him back to Sweden.

The Swedish Embassy in China knew very well that Gui was prohibited from leaving the Chinese mainland, but plotted to do so any way. They tricked Gui into cooperating with their plan. What they did is far beyond the scope of consular support. They wanted to arrange Gui’s ”escape” by breaking Chinese law.

The Global Times has learned that two Swedish diplomats secretly picked up Gui with a consulate car and took him to Shanghai. From there, they took a Beijing-bound high-speed train.

Gui was interviewed by media on Friday. Hong Kong media released the content of his interview, including that he said the diplomats asked him to not leave the car to avoid attention. After learning about Gui’s trip, police contacted Gui many times and asked him to return but the diplomats accompanying him demanded Gui not oblige. Had they arrived in Beijing, they would have been in the Swedish Embassy. The plot made us wonder whether the Swedish foreign ministry was making a Hollywood movie.

Sweden is a relatively small country in Northern Europe. The Swedish foreign ministry appeared to be craving the limelight in the EU and the West. The Hong Kong booksellers’ case was hyped by Western media and the Swedish foreign ministry seems to want to demonstrate its diplomatic heroism by ”saving the bookseller Gui Minhai.” While other Western countries are merely talking, Sweden took actions and ignored Chinese law. Its role as the ”special task forces” of Western human rights diplomacy is presumptuous.

Swedish Embassy’s show was interrupted halfway. Gui was intercepted by police at a train station in Jinan, Shandong Province en route to Beijing. China’s judicial sovereignty remains intact and the Swedish foreign ministry has ended up a laughingstock. Stockholm remained silent for a few days. They probably began to cry out loud after feeling they had lost face.

We must point out that the Chinese government protects the lawful rights of all foreigners in China but will not tolerate their illegal activities. Foreigners will be subject to punishment according to the law if they commit a crime. The Swedish foreign ministry wanted to muddy the waters of Gui’s case by using so-called human rights logic. Some Western countries and media want to hype the case. They are obsessed with this game, but the game won’t have any impact on China’s governance.

Talare för kinesisk ambassad: Att tilldela en brottsling pris är en ren fars
Som känt för alla är Gui Minhai en brottsling som har begått allvarliga brott i både Kina och Sverige.

Han är en lögnstillverkare och ryktespridare. Svenska PEN, utifrån den yttersta politiska agendan och konsekventa fördomar och fientlighet mot Kina, tilldelar Gui Minhai Tucholsky-priset 2019, som inte bara är en ren fars, utan också ett hån mot äkta yttrandefrihet och en smäll i ansiktet på  Svenska PEN själva.

Tillverkarna av denna fars ignorerar Gui Minhai vilja och agerar på eget önskemål, självrättfärdighet och arrogans. De kommer säkert att drabbas av konsekvenserna av sina egna handlingar. Vi ber producenterna av denna fars att gå ur narcissismens fälla och omedelbart avbryta utmärkelsen till Gui Minhai och att sluta politisera fallet. Vi uppmanar relevanta parter och det svenska folket att inte bli lurade och tvingas av Svenska PEN och några anti-Kina-element och inte att stödja denna fars.


As is known to all, Gui Minhai is a criminal who has committed serious offences in both China and Sweden. He is a lie-fabricator and rumor-spreader. Svenska PEN, out of ulterior political agenda and consistent biases and hostility against China, awards Gui Minhai the 2019 Tucholsky Prize, which is not only a sheer farce, but also a mockery of genuine freedom of speech and a slap in the face of Svenska PEN itself.

The producers of this farce ignore the will of Gui Minhai himself, and act on their own wishful thinking, self-righteousness and arrogance. They will surely suffer the consequences of their own actions. We ask the producers of this farce to get out of the trap of narcissism, and immediately cancel the award to Gui Minhai and to stop politicizing the case. We call on relevant parties and the Swedish people not to be deceived and coerced by the Svenska PEN and a few anti-China elements, and not to support this farce.

Om Lena Holfve 18158 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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