Energiroade; Veckans energier, och uppföljning av bråket runt Kaypacha

Skärmavbild    kl

Tom Lescher (Fb-väggen) blev hårt attackerad av en man, som är ledaren,  och två kvinnor, och Tom har klarat av det hela väl, och varit smart nog att inta total öppenhet. Längre ner finns två viktiga kvinnor som talar ut; hans fru och hans assistent.

Han anklagades för att utnyttja kvinnor sexuellt bland annat, och på hans FB-vägg har många som gått kurser hos honom rusat till, och de är rätt många hundra.

Så, nu kör han veckans energier, som vanligt.


Some say we must stand up and fight,
Rid the world of evil to live in the light,
However life is not black and white,
As the stars tell me over and again each night.

Below is a little quote from Rudolf Steiner with regard to lunar eclipses. It’s a dark time so I wanted to inject some loving light into it with my video this week. I look forward to connecting again later….. Farewell with these crazy energies!

“When there is an eclipse of the moon, the man of today merely says: ‘Now the earth comes between the sun and the moon; hence we see the shadow cast upon the moon by the earth.’ That is the physical explanation. But in this case also the old initiate knew that a spiritual reality was behind the physical fact. He knew that when there is an eclipse of the moon, thoughts stream through darkness down upon the earth; and that such thoughts have a closer relationship with the subconscious life than with the conscious life of the human being. The old initiates often made use of a certain simile when speaking to their pupils. It is; of course, necessary to translate their words into modern language, but this is the gist of what they said: ‘Visionaries and dreamers love to go for rambles by moonlight, when the moon is full. There are, however, certain people who have no wish to receive the good thoughts coming to them from the cosmos, but who, on the contrary, are desirous of getting hold of evil, diabolical thoughts. Such people will choose the moment of a lunar eclipse for their nocturnal wanderings… Eclipses of the sun and the moon, recurring as they do in the course of every year, may really be looked upon as “safety-valves.”… The lunar eclipse exists for the purpose of allowing the evil thoughts, which are present in the cosmos, to approach those human beings who are desirous of being possessed by them. People do not, as a rule, act in full consciousness.’”

Jag gjorde ett test rörande offer och förrövare

Den attackerade energimannens assistent har talat ut på FB:

Daniella Veras
7 juli kl. 14:26
First, I want to preface this by saying, I’m a private person. I do not feel a need to publicly process my private and personal life. To qualify this for you, I had someone extremely close to me, my stepfather who raised me, pass away as a result of COVID. I didn’t share anything on my social spaces. That’s my prerogative. I say this for you to understand why it has taken me so much time and deliberation to even post about this.
As you know, we’ve been in a very sensitive climate with everything that’s been happening in the world. Over the last few days, some allegations have surfaced from former Dream Team members regarding Kaypacha Lescher of New Paradigm Astrology. One of the Dream Team members speaking out against him is a friend whom I care about very much which put me in a very uncomfortable position. I took some time to process and observe before coming to any conclusions. Now it has come to my attention, I’m being named in threads I’m not privy to, being spoken about and for, when I’m perfectly capable of doing so for myself.

I feel compelled to share my point of view so that no one is speaking for me. Both seem to think my silence is implicit support for the other. I also rebuke any assumptions or implications that I’m being silenced by anyone. I am absolutely sovereign.

So typical of this Gemini/Sag axis energy right now — The truth is there are many sides to this. I don’t intend to prove, disprove or otherwise invalidate anyone’s experience. I cannot claim to know what happened between any of these people personally as many of these situations are beyond my purview— and quite frankly, none of my business. I take privacy and discretion very seriously.

Skärmavbild    klThe following is only intended to share my own personal experience of him. Here’s what I know: I’ve worked with Kaypacha in a fiduciary capacity since 2018. I’ve had access to all his emails, accounts, social media and the like. I’ve been present with him in person at workshops and events. When his travels took him to New York City, where I resided at the time, we did a bit of sight-seeing and broke bread together. I showed him how to post to his story on instagram since people really enjoy seeing him. Beyond saying that I’m a pretty girl, he has not once made a pass at me at all, nor did I see any inappropriate behavior towards students from him whilst in my presence or otherwise.

With respect to where money matters are concerned, I’ve always been paid for my work. In fact, I was trusted with the accounts to pay myself and the rest of our associates. He likes to keep his offerings as affordable as possible. I’ve often had to push him to raise his rates a bit. He also hates promoting preferring just to let the work/offering speak for itself.

As an employer, he has been generous, creative, and dynamic. He isn’t always the easiest person to work for. In the interest of transparency, I’m not a perfect employee. We’ve had our fair share disagreements, some of which have gotten very heated, and we’ve worked through them arriving at resolution and deeper understanding. Over time, we’ve gotten better at how we work through conflicts, if they come up. This happens even in the closest families.

At our core, we both love astrology and want to share it with the world. This is why I do this work. During my time at NPA, we have upleveled and shifted in so many ways, both personally and collectively. We are consistently in conversation on how to improve and serve the community better. I’m proud of the work I have done at NPA. I’m proud of the work WE have all done at NPA, especially with such a small team.

As a person, Kaypacha is jovial, fun, talented, quick-minded. He is not a saint. He is not perfect. None of us are. I certainly am not. I do not harbor any disagreements, ill will or anything of the sort towards Kaypacha. Quite the contrary, I share a lot of affection and admiration for how much he’s done and continues to do. Any issues or disagreements I have had, I have taken up with him personally. When I have had personal issues in my life, (like recently my father died), he’s been supportive, understanding, and respected my need for discretion and privacy. Again, this is not intended to paint him as a saint. He is simply a person, just like any one else — except he happens to have a very large public platform. I agree, it is a HUGE responsibility, especially being a white-bodied man in a position of leadership and power in this current climate. It’s not an easy task.

I want to be clear — there were mistakes and errors in judgment. That being said, I do not believe he deserves to be crucified for making mistakes in his personal and professional life — especially when he’s spoken out, taken responsibility and owned up to his part with a commitment to show up better. He’s done way more than anyone can ask for. Even if messy and imperfect, I’m proud of him for stepping up. If anything, it calls me into deeper self-reflection.

Who among you has lived a perfect life?
Behaved perfectly in every moment?
Who has not done things and behaved in ways that would make you cringe?

I certainly have. Sheesh, just looking at some of my old beliefs from my Facebook memories makes me shake my head at my past self.
Every day, I’m growing, shifting, taking responsibility and accountability to be a better human.

For this reason, all I have is love, compassion and grace. I hope that if one day my errors and mistakes see the very stark light of day, that I am offered the same.

Frun har talat ut
Laura Elena
5 juli kl. 19:02 ·

Skärmavbild    klI’ll start by highlighting that this is not intended to point fingers nor to defend the indefensible. I’m speaking from a place of acknowledgment and acceptance of the ethical flaws my husband incurred from the perspective of teacher/student relationship and from the perspective of a married man. For the last three years I have been working with compassion and lots of inner work on forgiveness and healing of these extremely deep and painful wounds. If it wasn’t for the immense love that we have for each other, if it wasn’t for the guidance of Spirit, if it wasn’t for his sincere regret and terrible shame for having fallen so low and if it wasn’t for his commitment to evolve and heal his insecurities and align his masculine essence to the highest levels I would NOT be with him and I would NOT be sharing this message today. I’ll say it again… I am NOT condoning any of his actions nor the actions of the people involved in this scandal. All of us are responsible for what we create. I feel sincerely sorry for the pain that this could have caused to all of them.

So far we’ve all received more than enough information from parties involved to be able to perceive and feel what is behind the surface. There are things not so visible to the less insightful eyes but extremely clear to those aligned to the highest levels of the heart. It’s totally up to you to draw your conclusions.

What we have been witnessing in the last week is the vivid reflection of extremely wounded souls trying to appease the turbulence of their inner world by biting and kicking out of their anger, their fears and insecurities … But what is the limit between calling someone accountable and entering into the field of vindictive intentions?

What is the limit for a person that has made mistakes to humble him or herself publicly?

How many times do you need to apologize and admit your mistakes to recover dignity in the eyes of the High Courts of Ethics?

There is a few things that most of us know…

There is good and there is evil, light and dark in all of us and nobody escapes from the forces of the unconscious. Some will be trapped in these realms more than others and this will depend on their inner work.

There is a primordial sadomasochistic pleasure in us. The Roman Circuses (past and present) are the perfect example of this. Once these forces have started to roll, those that are hungry for blood will soon gather to savor public scorn and clap for more…

The lines between a victim and a perpetrator are very thin and in most cases a continuum. Everything will change depending on the perspective that you have of the whole dynamic.

If there is a “Me Too” there should also be a “Men Too”… and my experience, both personal and professional is filled with examples of extreme ferocity and distortion underlying initiatives originally intended to attain justice when in the hands of the wrong people.

We all have wounds from the past, some are deeper and more destructive than others and some of us are more or less affected by them . We’re all free to choose if we heal through light and honesty or if we feed our wound with darkness, revenge and more destruction.

Finally… two more things:

First. For me, sisterhood really means – that no matter what – you DON´T stab your sister in the back. To me, other uses of this term is pure empty rhetoric. We all need to work harder on this.

And the second. True love for me is when the one who loves you can keep you inside his or her heart and honor you at all times, no matter what. The rest is also, pure empty rhetoric. This is also a work in progress.

Finally, about loyalty and friendship… there is an old Spanish saying… “Raise crows and they’ll gouge out your eyes”… That’s another lesson to learn.

Om Lena Holfve 18245 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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