I’m in the process of stripping away,
What once worked but now has to go,
I need to be patient and carefully examine,
My foundation before I build more.
I’ve got a new website (TODAY!)! Check it out! WOOHOO! www.NewParadigmAstrology.com
Let’s talk about that Full Moon conjunct our wounded healer Chiron! We may all be feeling rather powerless or impotent these days which can drain our energy and bring us down. But like I spoke of in the report, Chiron/Moon wants us to FEEL DEEP DOWN who we are so that we create lives that truly nurture our soul nature. There is nothing surface or superficial about Chiron. He calls us into our wound/pain, and while uncomfortable, we learn through im-perience just who we are and what love truly is. Chiron teaches us that life without love is not worth living and that our true happiness lies in opening our heart. When rebuilding our lives let’s use love as the cornerstone, eh?
The full to 3/4 Moon is the disseminating phase wherein we get the feedback from others as to how on or off track we are. In keeping with the overtone of this year (my mantra going in was ”2020 The Year of Transformation from Death to Resurrection”) it is a time of reaping what we have sown for better or for worse. Whether you call it karma or consequences, we’ve set a lot in motion both personally and collectively and the reaper (sometimes grim) is coming around. Let’s just live and learn and let it go at that……don’t take it too personally! Enjoy!
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