I will build my character,
Based on what is right,
Ridding myself of what’s no longer me,
I step fully into the light.
Well, I tried to cram a whole bunch into this Pele Report! The concept is not that simple to explain but has to do with the process of maturing into (a ripe banana NO….LOL!) a state of being where we are no longer grabbing for external nourishment but become nourishment for our surroundings. AND, as each of us does so we will no longer need external mirrors like our media is now full of, showing us our shadow (dark) side. Make sense? Just by imagining it we can see that this may well take a number of generations before the general populace gets it (that there is enough and we don’t need to covet). In the meantime, we do our own inner work to and step fully into the light ourselves! Yes! Happy light-filled Holidays!
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