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NEW Beginning BY DEMAND: New Moon in Cancer

This New Moon in Cancer, Opposite Saturn in Capricorn exactly, it is likely it will trigger a conflict (opposition) between the people (Cancer) and those in control: governments, etc (Capricorn).
Even tighter control of the population.
The whole month ahead can see this energy very intense.
The people (moon) and heads of the countries , (sun) versus those in between (ministers, politics parties, governors).
There is one saving aspect, despite quite wide: Neptune trine, compassion and forgiveness, putting yourself in the shoes of the other, but it is too weak to really help, meaning this will not come easy to most of us.
Really atnagonizing trends again, in which opposing sides don’t want to budge.

On the personal level this new Moon will bring New beginnings in our lives but maybe by force, or with conditions. Whatever one starts over the next 2 weeks might take longer to manifest and require jumping many hoops and overcoming obstacles. On the positive side: whatever one does now, despite of it being difficult, one will have obstinate determination (Saturn) to carry it through….

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Saturn return is when the planet Saturn makes a full circle around the sun and gets back to the same position that it was in at the moment you were born. For every person it is different but the first Saturn return occurs somewhere between the 27th and the 30th year and the second around 56-58.

You do not have to be a an astrologer to notice that at some moment during the first age, young people’s life attitude and life as a whole totally changes. Why is this?The planet Saturn is the one that guides all maturation process. Thanks to it we become responsible, grown up and realistic. We learn the material laws of our physical world- if we want to achieve we need to put personal effort. Up till around 28 we are still allowed to fool around and be carefree. We can experiment with careers, relationships, lifestyles and personal philosophy. We are allowed to dream of making it big somehow, sometime in the future even if we are drifting aimlessly and enjoying the dauntless passions of youth. It does not bother us, we feel protected in a way and think it will all sort itself out somehow.

But when Saturn comes we suddenly wake up! The planet evokes in us an inner state of alarm. We are no longer blaze about the future, we feel that time is running out and we are nowhere near to the planned destination. There comes a sense of urgency to act now! To tie all loose ends and get our act together. We realize we are on the threshold of maturity and there will be no more compromises from above. Only we are accountable for our failure or success. Then we might get very hard on our selves. Self criticism and despair are not uncommon at the beginning stages of this maturation process. But the more proactive ones of us will quickly gather their senses and get down to work to make things happen. Get that degree, stop smoking, stop drinking, start a healthy regime, start that dream business, get married etc. And believe me, it is the best time as you will be full of determination and serious attitude to be productive. It is no time for play! You will be pushed to overcome your fears or laziness and move out of your comfort zone on the path to achievement and responsibility.

Some of you may have always been very mature and hard working but if you`ve been following paths which are not really making you happy, then this transit will give you the strength to cut the dead wood and start afresh on a much more authentic journey. If you are resisting the change, then it will be forced from outside. Many dissatisfying relationships or unfulfilling careers end at this period. However painful the process, it is a blessing in disguise. Saturn is a loving but hard teacher that wants to reconnect us with our real selves and purpose in life. You might loose a highly paid job today, only to resurrect your love of gardening and start your own landscaping business in the future. And then there is a third group of people who are neither still recklessly carefree, nor stuck in the wrong path. Those lucky ones are naturally responsible, have searched their soul through and through and found their meaning in life.

This period will bring them the fruits of their effort-they will be crowned and bask in contentment. But how few are those?! But whoever you are do not forget one thing–that whatever you build and change during your Saturn return, this will be the base of your behavior for the next 28-30 years till the next return! So get organized and serious!

The houses ruled by Saturn in your horoscope and the planets aspected by Saturn start becoming easier and more positive after the 1st Saturn return, but we only become fully accepting, relaxed and in Mastery of these after the 2nd Saturn return!
We become adults during the first Saturn return but achieve mastery only after the 2nd Saturn return.

Many people have told me that they only found out what was joy and peaceful happiness was after their second Saturn return.
Proving yourself to others and caring what others think, sense of insecurity give way to inner certainty.

Unfortunately for people who have made wrong lifestyle choices the second Saturn return can indicate health problems and it is paramount that they adopt a moderate and simple lifestyle which will be a solid foundation for hopefully the next 30 years!


The analysis of the major configurations occurring in the chart of the new moon and their possible influences in our life at various levels and in various areas.
By Roland Legrand, founder of ABLAS, A Better Life Astrology School in Brisbane, Qld, Asutralia, December 1982.




Om Lena Holfve 18244 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen lenaholfve.se och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

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