Medvetenhet förklarad, och ett praktexempel på den västerländska folkdomstolen

Längst ner svar ifrån den ifrågasatte Kaypacha, och nu är väl folkdomstolen i full blom snart? Det verkar vara många som bråkar, och de lägger ut samma text se nedan,  och jag följer det nog inte mer än så här.

Tidigare publicerat:

Bilden ovan är ett läsartips, tack, om Robert Sepehr, 156 000 prenumeranter, och som jag ska kolla in i veckan.

Det är uppenbarligen eclipstider, och en fråga man kan ställa sig är om man kan lyssna på t.ex. narcissister. Kan man mycket väl göra men man bör inte ha några nära relationer med dem.

Skärmavbild klHär nedan är ett bra exempel på en som nu är upprörd för att hon har kommit på att kollegan Kaypacha, som vi brukar lyssna på en gång i veckan, är en narcissist och det har då varit ett pärlband händelser, enligt henne, som nu lett fram till att hon har gjort slut.

Men det är inte hans fel om hon gått på nit efter nit efter nit utan att handla.

Det är hennes eget fel och ansvar men vi västerlänningar tar inte ansvar, och som ett skott kommer anklagelser om sexaffärer med för unga… som hon säkert känt till länge, och sammantaget kommer hon säkert inte att polisanmäla.

granspolisDamens historia skulle få en polis på Norra Cypern att se rött.

Om du upptäcker oegentligheter ska du kasta dig, och jag menar kasta dig inom en halvtimme helst, till polisen eller byhövdingen så att de genast får lösa problemet. De bangar inte för nått och 99% av den lilla kriminalitet som finns klaras upp.

Om inte medverkar DU till att fler kan råka illa ut eftersom en buse går lös.

Men i väst ska folkdomstolen via FB jobba och det här fenomenet ingår i en fascism. Man ska ta lagen i egna händer, många ska samlas, sen ska man döma… och inom ett år börjar de hänga folk ifrån träden brett.
Radiant Astrology

I am no longer associated with New Paradigm Astrology and Kaypacha and I no longer support this organization. In an effort of transparency and so that my clients and community can make more informed decisions about this organization, I’m sharing my recent experiences and knowledge about them.

I’d been collaborating with NPA on astrology programs since 2015. And while in the beginning it was a great mutually-beneficial partnership, the last couple of years became very challenging.

Kaypacha’s narcissism and arrogance became a major problem, even abusive at times. He especially took things out on a couple of admin staff who he falsely accused of stealing and even made both of them cry. On a couple of occasions he tried asserting his patriarchal dominance proclaiming ”I AM THE NEW PARADIGM” Literally beating his chest as he did so.

No, dude that’s the Old Paradigm. And its limp, withering and dying out before our eyes.

Our group of astrologers was at one point like family and we tried being patient and understanding of each other. But after Kaypacha’s behavior grew worse and he recently tried going back on an agreement involving money he owed us for our work which led to a major conflict, trust was completely broken. I insisted on being paid what I was owed and when I finally did receive it, was asked to leave.

When I started in 2015 another astrologer was just let go, which I heard was because he’d found out about Kaypacha’s inappropriate relationship with a young student and tried confronting Kaypacha and then was fired. History seems to be repeating itself now as the very same thing happened when my collegue who also discovered similar activity.

It’s now come to my awareness that Kaypacha’s been having numerous inappropriate sexual relationships with young girls in their 20’s who attend his workshops, him being over 60 and married. Some have claimed to have been paid off for their silence. If the age gap isn’t bad enough, the fact he is positioning himself as a ‘spiritual teacher’ is the worst thing a person can do and I want NO part of it and any false prophets.

Anyone trying to defend him, don’t bother doing it here, you will be blocked. Whether or not the relationships were consensual, it is entirely inappropriate and unethical behavior. Please read the book Sex and the Forbidden Zone by Dr Peter Ritter. These type of teacher/student sexual relationships to great emotional damage to the women involved.

I share this because NPA is now doing a re-brand and taking on 2 new astrologers to replace myself and my whistleblower colleague. Kaypacha has never taken any accountability for his actions and the harm he’s caused to so many.

I will be coming out with more of my own astrology courses in the Fall as well as my 2nd women-only summit next month. Thanks for listening 🙏🏼

Skärmavbild    kl

Kaypachas text:
Unfortunately, I am sorry to have to share a defense for myself against personal attacks. If you are unaware of these attacks by all means scroll past this post as I am not in my usual form. Below is the letter that sent Timothy Halloran and Christina Caudill off the edge. With Saturn opposing my Sun I stepped up to have some boundaries and stopped being their sugar daddy.

Timothy has edited his post numerous due to many people that have challenged his assertions. The video only has his original post as he blocked me some time ago so I would not be able to defend myself. Amazing! As mentioned in the video, I wrote this letter May 22, 2020.

Namaste Timothy, Christina, Sol, Julija, and Ari,

We’ve known for some time that this was going to be a big year of great changes and New Paradigm Astrology Cooperative is certainly no exception.

As each of us evolves, and expands, we need new forms and structures that support our expansion. While the NPA cooperative has done a good job of that through the years, it too has become limiting, and is no longer meeting the needs of everyone involved. Just as the world is changing and we are changing, so must the NPA.

You know that for some time I have been contemplating making some changes so as to do less managing, and more Astrology. I have been meditating and praying for inspiration as to what can be done to best serve the purpose of NPA which has always been ‘to bring quality Astrology to as many people as possible’. I would like to express my gratitude for our past successes in this regard, and take the opportunity to thank each of you for all the time, effort, and knowledge you contributed to reach our common goals!

Personally, as you may know, I am going through my second Uranus square and have transiting Saturn opposite my Sun, squaring Neptune (in the 2nd house). What you may not know is that I have incurred some unpredicted financial obligations recently. In addition, my main source of income has always been my workshops which I have had to cancel indefinitely, due to the current Coronavirus19 Pandemic which has also caused a drop in membership. While you became aware of administration costs rather abruptly with the online summit, I’ve paid administration $26,327 so far this year, not including costs for the website, zoom, etc. Adding the more than $2000/mo. that I have been paying you that comes to over $7000/mo. which is a cost I can no longer afford.

Besides the financial costs of NPA, my time has been largely invested in working with yourselves, Daniella, and America. Now being in my 60’s, I’m needing to look after my future financial security, and most important, my physical, and emotional health. Similar to some of you, the cost of our working together is not feeling worth the reward. I am happy that each of you have built your own private astrology practices (some of you before NPA), and have your own self-branded sales funneling online traffic and leads directly to your own website.

With a mixture of both joy for all that we have shared, and accomplished together, and sorrow that the synergy of the group is no longer serving our professional purposes, I have decided to discontinue the “Dream Team”. I am attaching a copy of the contract which has the following termination clause:

“TERMINATION: This contract and all that it binds each party to may be terminated by either party at any time with no penalty resulting from said termination. Upon termination of this contract by either party, the astrologer hereby releases all rights to all past and current content and material provided to New Paradigm Astrology generated prior to his/her termination. Astrologer also releases all rights to any future payments outlined in this agreement.”

I would like to go through this transition as smoothly as possible, and know that we can settle everything privately prior to mentioning this change to the NPA community. I believe that being strategically diplomatic with each other will be beneficial to all of us on a personal level, and to our personal professional brands. I will write a letter to the community at the appropriate time, and appreciate you respecting my right to be the one to inform them.

These are the changes that I foresee making within the coming weeks such that the NPA website can be updated, and an announcement made during the Capricorn full Moon, after Venus has gone direct, and Mars has moved into Aries. As can be seen on the video schedule, Ari and Sol can carry on with business as usual (a couple more weekly videos, forum questions, profit sharing etc.) through the month of June while the website, school, store, etc. are being changed and updated. While the rest of you are free to participate, I will no longer be profit sharing with you. As of the first week of July, the website, store, etc, should be updated, and no one will have any obligations to NPA, and there will be no more profit sharing with any member.

The two main items that need to be addressed so as to clarify any and all financial agreements are the online courses and NPA store items. Once these are clarified we can draw up and sign terms and conditions as currently we have only spoken agreements that need yet to be written.

Regarding the online courses, you will continue to receive 10% of sales as you currently are until such time as the course is removed from the NPA website store, or your portion of a given course is replaced with other content, or removed. This needs to be set-up automatically through Teachable/Stripe ASAP, so no additional accounting/admin time is taken.

We will not be creating a New Paradigm School of Astrology website, and we won’t be publishing the final module that we have been discussing. I will be offering my own Signature Astrology Certification Course, and you are 100% free to offer your own independent certification course too.

Regarding any other videos that you currently have for sale in the NPA store, I will work with each of you individually to decide if, and what videos either you, or I would like to keep, or remove from the store. Any videos that we mutually determine to keep for sale in the store will be sold with the standard bookstore rate of 60% to NPA, and 40% to you.

Regarding your interaction with the community while we undergo these changes, I expect that you honor agreement number one in the contract (see attachment) which is to hold/refer to all things Astrology, NPA (myself, and each other), in the highest manner. If you, or I decide that it is best for you to be removed from your obligationscontract with the community (forum, video, interaction) prior to July 1st, we can accommodate that.

Thank you for all the work that you have done, the people that you have helped, and the service that you have provided to the NPA community while being a member of the “Dream Team”. I feel that astrology has been furthered by our work together, and that it is a contribution we have made to humanity. For that, I am deeply grateful. Please accept my apologies for anything I may have ever done or said that could have been taken as unsupportive of you. While I always act with good intentions I do have a loaded 12th house!

I wish you the best in all your future endeavors, and I will always have many fond memories of our time together.

With So Much Love,


Om Lena Holfve 18162 artiklar
Under 80-talet var Lena Holfve en uppmärksammad författare men slutade som yrkesförfattare år 1992, och startade upp IT-tjänster. Lena räknas som en av de absolut första pionjärerna på Internet i Sverige med start 1990-91. Då var det i princip bara Lenas domäner och Systembolagets prislista ute. Nu är Lena pionjär igen med ett slutet och privat sällskap i domänen och vars syfte är att studera vad som händer i världen, men i en privat sfär. Sedan år 2017 har det startats upp en liten bokproduktion, igen.

2 kommentarer

  1. Tack själv.
    Jo det är lite rörigt nu,ordet foliehatt har fått en ny mening för tredje gången iaf för mig. Det extrema är så att säga full garderat.

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